S admitted to Hospital

I had THE phone call yesterday lunchtime .. a message on my cell phone as I was driving around town looking for a cheap surfboard for S’s school camp in 2 weeks.

Please call me urgently regarding S the message said. The school office lady sounding flustered speaking to an answer machine ..

S had text me earlier in the day .. pre school and said he’d had  a pain , he suffers from an inflamed teste sometimes .. we call it LT. Had scans had Dr visit after Dr visit .. it comes and goes aand they don’t seem bothered too much .. if he lays down he is good .. so I said either rest for a bit in the sick bay .. or come home .. no biggy mate .. up to you. He said it was nothing much , he’d have a rest.. sweet as. Text me later if worse.

Expecting that Sam had had to tell this to the office lady I thought ahhh so she is embarrased to say .. S has a sore Teste can you come get him .. I called he back within 5 mins .. she said Ohhh thanks .. S has been taken to A&E the boys from PE said he has broken his arm ..

Ummmm Hello .. what about the other prob .. my head was all ready to deal with that .. Not a broken arm .. Ohhh Shit .. Ok .. am on my way thank you .. I quickly called Allycat so that I had another person with me to watch the 3 kids I had .. and made my way to the centre.. only to go to the wrong centre .. Grrr .. No parks .. 3 kids sleeping in the back .. I called sparky who had finished work was closer than Allycat and he zoomed over .. we made our way to the correct centre.. I got there after Allycat and Sparky.. they were talking to the Teacher who had brought S… .

He explained how the accident happened playing a game of Sogby .. half soccer half rugby .. and how S had jumped up to get the ball .. nearly caught it was pushed off balance and had come down hard on his hand .. he had infact dislocated his wrist..

Teacher said I hope you don’t mind but I signed all the forms and they gave him Morphine .. I shook my head .. whatever need to be …. he said due to the nature of the break they are sending him to Hospital and the Ambulance is on the way..

I went through in time to see S  wheeled out of the  X-Ray room .. a little pale , tears in eyes and a stunned Rabbit look on his face .. still in lots of pain .. the team contemplated another shot of Morphine .. he has had 5 ml .. so gave another 1 ml .. 10 mins later still nothing .. still much pain .. Ambulance staff arrived and they gave him Gas .. hmmmm now S is smiling and talking to us .. and can sit and walk and move .. I love that smile you get when you are wasted on that gas ..anyway .. I sorted the kids .. Allycat took my van home with care kids , I rang all their parents they are cool with that .. Sparky went in the Ambo with S and I followed in Allycats car..

I text Ian too on the way .. no reply said I would let him know more as I found out.

I found my way to the emergency room through all the new building going on.. and as I stood at the counter waiting for the receptionist to find S a  man came up to me and stood very close .. I turned to see Ian .. nearly wet my self but was so relieved.

They took us through to a resus room where they had S all hooked up to machines monitoring him .. Sparky was there .. They said we are going to knock him out and do the reset here .. not ideal but beats waiting 2 hours for a theatre. OK .. so they ran us through all the details .. showed me xrays .. didn’t mean much ..

I understood they were to give him a large dose of stuff enough to make him sleep , he will not be OUT but sleepy and not able to remember .. I signed all the papers .. they talked to S .. he was ok with it .. a little nervous .. It was at this stage that I actually saw the wrist after all the strapping had come off and they had moved away from the bed .. I was nearly ill.. I cried and turned into the corner to see Sparkys face .. he nodded .. Met the Spartans eh Mum..

If anyone has seen that film with the broken arm on it .. i can  not remember it well but I do know that I have seen this injury on another film with someone waving it about like it was filled with jelly .. the hand and arm were in the right position .. but the bit from the wrist to down the forearm was shaped like an S…swollen and sick looking..

I was there for S .. it only took a minute for me to compose .. and in that time Ian talked to him .. was wicked..

So the meds were given .. 40 ml should knock him enough for his weight and age .. he talked about school as she administered the drug .. then flopped .. eyes closed .. S open your eyes .. they flicker .. gone .

As soon as they pick up the wrist .. he writhes on the bed and legs cross .. moaning in pain .. eyes wide ..

They administer more drug .. 10 mls .. … again .. 20 mls … again .. another 20 ..  on and on till finally aafter 160mls later .. he twitches but does not cry out .. or pull his arm from the Dr.. ok at this point I am in the corner again .. squeezing Sparkys arm .. leg and tears rolling .. Ian is at the foot of the bed holding the legs down..

All over and they wrap his arm and plaster cast him .. 90 degree angle at the elbow and cast from fingers to armpit. ..

because he had no sensation and no movement in his fingers pre procedure the Dr had him admitted to be watched over night .. after the procedure his fingers worked and he has sensation back .. nerves just pinched and caught up in the dislocation.. but still he has to stay .. good .

(Ian had to leave with work commitments but we text each other all afternoon.. and he will be back to see S later. )

A short wait and we were in the ward..

Very tired .. very sore ..

the wonderful staff fluffed about and made us feel comfortable and welcome..

I left and took Sparky home , checked out my kids with Allycat .. grabbed dinner rang a few people and headed back to the hospital with maxi and Allycat.

S was still tired .. swollen and sore ..  Dr had been and told him that he would probably need to have the broken bone in his wrist wired next week .. thats all S said and no one else had any idea too much .. so I am on my way back again this morning to see what the story is.

I will keep you all posted ..

Needless to say .. we probably do not need a surfboard now ..

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November 28, 2008

awwwwwwww hugs

November 28, 2008

Awww poor little guy. Sounds so scary and painful.

November 28, 2008

Big hugs and warm wishes to S for a full recovery. Sounds like really stressful for all concerned. Ian….gud on ya for a change. xox

November 28, 2008

both regan ans shannon broke and dislocated their wrists in the same place- horrible absolutely horrible- I am glad he is done with that process now lots of hugs

November 29, 2008

oh no! God that is going to be so uncomfortable for him seeing how damn hot its been getting lately!

November 29, 2008

Poor S, and poor you. A regular broken bone is painful enough but the sight of that would have enhanced the trauma for all of you. Disolcation is definately as painful as a break…I am glad they were prompt and helpful. Hope he soon gets well again. Take care all…and I am sure S will take more care as well, when playing future sports. hugs P

on the edge of my F’N SEAT reading this!!! Will call you tonight if I can stay up that late….MY GOODNESS!!! Please give him a hug from me…awe!!!!!! Pamela

November 30, 2008

Ouch, that sounds very painful. I hope he can go home tomorrow.

December 1, 2008

Oh…I am so sorry! Poor S…I wish he will have a full recovery soon.((hugs))