Bored and growly

I guess it is the winter blues but everyone seems to be in a downer mood.

We need a little sunshine and a few days on the beach or something.

Dinos had the rough edge of my tongue again .. he gets all upity about Tiny Ems parents and the things they say about him and her being together , but what has he done to make them think different about him .. Grrrrrrr It frustrates me that he sits in his room day in and day out playing that stupid damn WOW game.. right from the get go i told him he was not to become a zombiw over it , and showed him examples of people that we knew or had heard of that screwedtheir lives up with this game.

He shrugs his shoulders and says not me Mum .. no way .. and then I watch and see him withdraw and hide away and miss meals and eat crap food , I see him loose friends and then gain ones that never leave their house ..

I unplug the computer , I get him to join us on outings , I yell i stamp my feet .. he stares at me blankly and says whats the problem..

or worse he says nothing just closes his eyes and looks away.

I want to slap him up side the head and beat the crappy game out of him.

I get so angry when I see this once intelligent wonderful boy slipping into oblivion., I guess he is still the same kid but he is now consumed by this game and I see shear panic on his face when I tell him that at Christmas we will be away for a whole 10 days no internet whatsoever. damn hardly any cell phone coverage.


It brings me to tears …

Tiny Em came over last night all upset for what her parents said about Dino .. that he was not a good boy for her , that he didn’t respect her .. that he didn’t wait 2 weeks before he started a sexual relationship with her ..blah blah blah .. well apart from the "how the heck do you know " question.. I had many of my own ..

They are from a cult religion , she does not practice, and has not really done so for 3 years. But they are still all up in her grill about the things she does.. I ask why go back for the same lectures time and time again , why put yourself through that on a weekly basis. If you know they are going to bag you and your friends .. don’t go back to listen to that.

Then I ask ..What do they base this on .. what have they seen of Dino to form a judgement. .. He went for dinner a few times .. he didn’t like the vibe he was there for Mothers Day dinner and the Dad made rude comments about Dino through statements to Tiny Em, not directly scorning dim but making remarks to his daughter about the boys she is going out with .. who happens to be sitting in the lounge listening .. sheesh

I told Dino he should stand his ground and not let anyone make comments like that, to belittle him through comments to his girlfriend in front of him .. thats just plain wrong..

He said it was Mothers Day I was hardly going to make a scene.. ahh good thinking

But I said wouldn’t it be a good idea to be able to go over there and hold a conversation with these people and not let them think you are an idiot cos you just sat there saying nothing ? , and what you did talk about with their son in law was damn computer games  .. thats all you know what to talk about !!!  The parents think the worst of you cos thats all you have given them to base their opinions on.. and now you sit here crying about how bad they are .. and what have you done to help the situation??

I said stuff I probably should not have .. I was just so mad .. I said sorry ,

I was still mad and part of me wanted to throw the bloody game out in the rain..

I have calmed down now ..

he at least spent tonight out and with a few mates .. and one even popped in here .. so lets see how long this lasts

PS on a side note

I can hear this strange noise in the kitchen .. everytime I get up to check it is gone .. then I sit back and it starts .. I am hearing it over the dishwasher.. and I just figured out what it is ..

The frogs are croaking in the cage on the bench in the kitchen .. freaky little noise.

Ohh dear rant over .. better get to bed.

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July 22, 2008

sorry that this has arisen 🙁

July 22, 2008

I too have been blaming mid-winter blues for so many moods. LOL What a pity Dino has had to deal with such a rude and un-Christianlike family ( I have a theory of what religion you refer to…amny of them in Hamilton..right?) …and it seems his consideration of her mother and the dinner occasion displays he certain lives by far better standards and values than them. You can thank yourself formuch of that in him F…… and try not to worry…he sounds a wise young man. Frogs in the dishwasher? yeah..right!! LOL hugs P