Finally .. a quiet weekend.

Yes .. can you believe it i am home with no plans for a night out at all this weekend..

I had a one year olds birthday luncheon to go to this after noon then it was home and a big clean up.

I have not had one weekend free for months, so as you can imagine the house was in total disarray.. not dirty so much , but messy.

I manage to vaccum 2-3  times a week and the floors and bathroom get done at least every other day , but the junk mail piles up , the school notices  stack on the bench and the papers are read and piled beside the couch ..

Nothing gets put away and when I ask the kids to help with the washing the sheets and towels are all stacked higilty pigilty in the cupboard..I love that they helped.. it just makes it hard when we go to make the beds and the single sheets and doubles are mixed .. or the cupboard was so jam packed that if you pull out one thing half a dozen come flying out..

I sorted through all the care kids art area , sifted through magazines of helpful hints and stacked them neatly , threw out paper creations that are passed it and not worth sending home to Mum and Dads .. I found game pieces, I found activity stuff that I had forgotten I had.


Dino went through the hot spot on the bench .. all the mail .. lol IRD notices , phone bills , bank statements , bills bills bills etc , all my work related stuff , my time sheets .. junk mail and articles that I had read and kept to show whoever and forgot or lost in the Everest pile…

Maxi folded washing and hung out the wet stuff ..

S went through the sheet shelf and sorted all the sheets from the duvets and pillowcases..

Allycat went through her room and sorted boxes of stuff that she no longer wanted and then tried to palm it off to me .. OMG like I didn’t have enough stuff to go through.

The care kids bring a bag with them daily , changes of clothes , nappies , wipes lunch etc.. and it sits on a table in the lounge .. now when you get 4 of these bags on the table and they have been rifled through and then added too with art and trasures it all gets a bit messy and cluttered.. add to this table the resources and keepsake books .. games and puzzles .. a day bag that i re pack with a trips worth of snack food and nappies .. and it is bulging and over loaded..

Soooooo… i went to the warehouse ( where everyone gets a bargin) and I bought 2 small book case things .. each with 3 cubby holes.. these are now at the front door for the bags and shoes and stuff and the lunch boxes can come in and stay on the table .. it also will be where i can have the timesheets for the parents to sign .. as they collect the kids bags they can sign the time sheet ..

I am just so wrapped with how it looks and can not wait for monday to see if it is functional .. I will be back at the warehouse tomorrow to get another one tho as it needs to be one level higher.

So that achieved.. what else have i been up to??

I crashed a 40th birthday party last weekend with my sister and TOH, birthday girl LTis a friend of a friend of mine and also a friend of my sisters from early school days,was freaky , but we thought we’d pop in and she was so happy to see us.

TOH knew her brother from his teenage years and took her to a wedding when they were 18ish.. he liked her. Anyway .. i was talking to her partner , never met him before and was asking about My friends partner who had snuck off .. we hardly ever see this women and I was sad that she had left and not said goodbye.. he said she lives down the road .. come on lets go see her .. so .. without letting TOH know I shot off down the road with SHN.. we were gone 10 maybe 15 mins at the most ..

once there I realised that she and my friend had had a bit of a barney and she was protesting .. quietly slipped out so as not to make a scene… sweet as , none of my bussiness.. i agreed with her reasons and left ..

SHN and I were walking down the drive and I said that I hadn’t known about the barney , I just thought she has left early without saying goodbye .. SHN put his arm around my shoulder and said it happens and that they would be ok .. i agreed yeah it was nothing they will cope ..blah blah blah .. so we are heading down the road deep in conversation and all of a sudden this mans voice BOOMS out .. WTF are you two doing .. RA RA RA RA.. blardy blah.. I looked up and it was TOH .. marching down the street. He was pissed.. in both sences of the word .. drunk and hacked off.. He leared over SHN right in his face and yelled and yelled bout what the hell did we think we were doing .. SHN was gobsmacked say the least , I was trying to calm TOH down and whispering and trying to get him to talk quietly .. in a suburban street at 2 am sheesh .. he would not listen to me and just kept yelling ..why didn’t I answer my phone , why was I gone for hours , he didn’t know where I was who i was with , who all the people at the party were , where he was even .. OMG .. I tried and tried to talk to him calmly and and in the end I just walked off and when he yelled at me to come back to him i said NO .. I will not be yelled at and made to feel guilty for something i have not done.. Go to hell!!! and calmly walked back to the party.. some 5 houses down the street.

I checked my phone a few minutes later , I had left it in my bag by the table i was sitting at .. he had text again . he said ..

Love is all good but jealousy is ugly.. I have removed myself. xx see you at home.

OMG .. he loves me and was jealous.  sheesh.. back up the truck. from someone who only wanted friendship and would never fall in love again .. this was a huge leap. I was not sure and still am not sure if this kind of relationship is one that i want.

Its complicated… I guess i have not said alot on here about him , but we are great friends.. there are just too many things that i could not live with in a real full on relationship and he has already said that thats not what he wanted..

Anyway .. I stayed at the party and got a taxi home at 4 am .. he was well and truly asleep and had  a friend staying ovr on the couch .. i woke him up and had a quick chat then headed for bed.. Not much else had been said about that night .. except with My friend and my sister .. they were shocked that TOH acted the way he did .. 🙂

Its dinner time and I have to go .. my night to cook .. should have had 7 kids (joking)



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June 21, 2008

You deserve a quiet weekend after all those shenanigans.

June 21, 2008
June 22, 2008

yeah I like Whisky Brancker, it’s growing on me. Maybe it could be my next name change! BTW what would yours work out to be?

June 22, 2008

I smiled at your closing statement…LOL Glad you found a wee bit of time to unwind, despite the kids party. Your shelves sound a good idea. I am planning a total reorganization of my living space when I get back from the trip. Hugs P

June 24, 2008

I would make sure the shelves are anchored at the top. Bet the kids love to climb them! hahahaha I can’t imagine being yelled at by anyone. I just wouldn’t put up with it. But I am not in a relationship, maybe this is why? Is being yelled at an unusual thing. Or does it happen often? be well…dan

June 24, 2008

Hi. I’ve found you through another diary, and saw that you’d left them a note, and decided to respond to something that you’d said to her in it. People who need to “harden up” and not be so sensitive in your opinion…well…it doesn’t always mean, that…the person who becomes offended by what is said to them, “is the one with the problem.” People are allowed to take offense to things.

June 24, 2008

Doesn’t necessairily mean that, “the problem lies solely with them.” Just saying that, “misunderstandings” happen all the time. And that, No One Person, is Ever Completely At Fault For An Offense.! My intention with this note isn’t meant to “start” anything with you, either, so…just wanted to make that clear to you, that I am just sharing my personal opinion of the topic with you.

June 24, 2008


June 26, 2008

The shelves sound a great idea. I’ve got a boot load of stuff I’ve just cleaned out of the kids and my cupboards. I’ll stick it all in a clothing bin on the way home from work. Ryn: Yes, the doves are beautiful.

June 26, 2008

Ryn: Thanks. 🙂 And sorry that TOH had acted and got on the ways that he did. That’s embarrassing enough for anyone to have to go through and endure! Also sorry that you’re having doubts about wanting to possibly be something more with him. You run a Day Care? Later.