carbonated paint

I had to get my bag of sharpies out of the trunk of my car. Upon bringing it inside, I noticed a strange substance all over the outside of the freezer bag the sharpies were in. Who knows what it could be, after all it did come out of my trunk, and my trunk is like a magicians treasure chest.  The crap got on my hands so what do I do? Wash my hands? Nah, whoever heard of such a thing. No, I liked my fingers. It tasted hard. Its that hard taste again. I have no idea what hard tastes like, but it tasted that way. Im thinking I may wake up tomorrow with a new limb or blue sparkly hair or something. Im really hoping for the blue sparkly hair. That would be bad ass. I may have mentioned this before, but as a kid, I had always wanted rainbow colored skin, or all sivler skin. One or the other, it didn’t matter which, I just wanted it that way. I remember finding an ink pad with silver ink, imagine the excitement that came with this discovery! I thought I struck the jack pot!  My dream was coming true. As I proceded to cover myself in the ink, I thought "how fantastic is this?! Im finally silver!!!" Im fairly certain my mother was not as impressed. And I wasn’t that young when the silver skin incident incident took place either, which proves that I may very well do that again. And proves that after all that back story, I would love to wake up with colorful hair! It also proves that I am very very lame.

At work some people were painting the hall ways of the building we hold camp in. The paint had a funny smell to it, it wasn’t the usual paint smell, it had a twang. I kept thinking that the paint smelled as if it was carbonated. I understand that makes zero sense, but it makes sense to me. Its like that part in Willy Wonka (the good one!!) when Charlie, his grandfather, Mike TV and his mom, and Willy take a quick ride on that big truck thing and all the bubbles start pouring out from the vehicle. When he says that it was powered by Double Bubble Burpacola. Well I think this paint was Double Bubble Burpapaint.

And then later on in the day while driving home, I had my windows down (Mickey had no working air conditioning, he left it back in The Bronx) I randomly smelled another funny smell. It was the smell of liquer store cardboard. Now I know that you know what that smell smells like. Its pretty distinct. I wasn’t driving anywhere near a liquer store at the time.

I was surrounded by strange scents today. That and I think I just have a sensative sense of smell.

My favorite smell in the whole world is the original Mr. Bubbles! I have always loved it. I loved it to the point of eating the foamy soap suds it makes. And I am telling you the truth with that. If I had it today, I would still eat the suds. Luckily for me, the stuff was made for children and is pretty nontoxic. (as far as I know) If it wern’t consumable I probably would have already sprang that extra limbb I was talking about, or the blue hair I am still hoping for.

Disclaimer-I am not promoting the eating of bubbles!! Or rather, eat at your own risk!….and happy tasting if you do choose to eat the suds!

And I do think you would be just fine. I have yet to see a surgeon generals warning on the back of the bottle. By the way, you can find a big and pretty cheap bottle of Mr. Bubbles at Wal-Mart!

There is a warning for Wal-Mart though. Shop at your own risk, and beware the Wal-Martians. They may abduct you and cart you off to their stange habitat and do very weird things to you!

You have been forewarned


No table nap today. I enjoyed a rest on the floor on one of those napper mat things. I had Edgar the dinosaur pillow pet, and three blankets. It was comfy, and I nealry dozed off. I was only half awake because the little girl who was rested next to me couldn’t keep still and was rustling all her stuff every minute and a half. She had loud blankets. It would be quiet for a second then I would hear that sqeesh sqeesh sheesh sound.  Now I don’t blame her for rustling, I do that often as well, but My table top is in a quieter location for napping.

Tomorrow is work then therapy. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh!

I had to buy some cacti ( I don’t like the plural for cactus, it sounds stupid and I don’t like saying it!) for the kids at camp. We have an activity planned to go along with the cacti (uugghh) I bought 13 of them and tried carrying all 13 of them at once. I thought since they were really small, it would be an easy task. I thought wrong. (who would have known) I ended up poking my boobs and dropping them. I had a bando thing on today, so there was only thin coverage! Bando’s are not recomended as a safe bra to wear when handling cacti.

Or better yet just don’t handle cacti at all! 


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July 17, 2012

haha I’ve never smelled Mr.Bubbles, or eaten it, so I don’t know anything about it and I totally want blue sparkly hair too ~~~>

July 18, 2012

RYN: yay! I added you as well! 😀 ~~~>