cookie monster

Another boring Saturday afternoon. A boring evening to come, and a boring night! 

The boys are playing with their friend Iuush (eye uush??) I dont know how to spell it correctly. They are all to busy stomping about the house like a stampeed of horses.

I have to make the boys dinner soon. Saturday noodles again? You bet. Its all I’m able to do. I could cook something better I’m sure, I just don’t want to! Saturday noodles with some vegitables and maybe a mini fruit salad. I will have some cherry coke zero. The dinner of champions. (hardley) Coffee for desert, while the boys enjoy icecream or a cookie or something I will want to eat but can’t. (Won’t is more like it.) 

Another weekend without a game! Lame. 

I’m cold and wearing a rather interesting outfit. A dress with comfy pants underneath. I was cold, comfy pants seemed like a good solution, I just havn’t bothered to take of the dress and put on something more appropriate like a t-shirt! Oh well, no one is paying attention, and by no one I mean a seven year old, a six year old and a four year old! 

There is a Rubermaid box full of oatmeal cookies to my right. Its taunting me. Laura makes a great batch cookies. (Not cool!) Then again the Kieblers elfs  makes a breat batch of cookies as well. Hell, any cookie would yummy at this point.  Sand would be tasty at this point!

I’m feeling a little sleepy! Theres not to much I can do about this. A nap is not an option. More caffine?

I want to eat and vomit! This too is not much of an option. Drink something? I’m not going to eat anything! 

I need some more distractions. I can make dinner but I’m putting it off one minute at a time. The computer and OD help but not for long. My attention starts to drift, and Im left staring off into space. Food is floating in space. I have to bring my attention back to Earth where there is also food. I can’t escape the thought. I already made another poster for work. TV tends to bore me to tears, and I cant keep my attention on that either. Im sure its a pain in the ass to watch TV with me because I constantly change channels. Something will hold my interest for all of five minutes before I’m looking for something new to stare at! I remembered to bring a book along with me today, but that won’t do me any good, I will end up asleep. Honestly, Im not sure there is to much that would entertain me right now. There are  things that can keep me busy, but its boring! My eyes are dropping right now. Not good!

My mom tried t talk to me last night. I gave her nothing. I had nothing to say to her. I think she picked up on that about five minutes into the one ended conversation. I’m not sure what she was expecting to get out of me. She asked me if i thought I was feeling any better. I just shrugged. If she had to ask after the week I just had then she knows nothing. She asked if I was depressed. I lied. I didn’t exactly feel like conversing with her. I know thats not the way to go about things but I had no desire to go into details with her. Not when she has been so blind. (I havn’t even bothred to hide this week.) And not after she has spent the week placing blame on me for her own personal problems. So, Im sure im at the wrong end of things here….not talking to my mom and being upset with her, but I just didn’t feel like talking to her.

Im still so bored. I made dinner for the boys, mac and cheese instead of the plain old Saturday Noodles. I did however make vegies and fruit salad like I said I would.

Now Josh is on the couch not feeling well. Return of the fever! Poor guy. Caleb is now thoroughly enjoying one of the taunting oatmeal cookies. He is making a lot of unnessisary noise while eating it and its pissing me off.

Just another one of my things. Noises! I hate so many noises. The sound of eating; chomping food, crunching food, smacking food, slurping food, biting down on silverwear…etc. Breathing loud, snoring, sniffling(especially), coughing…the basic human noises that are pretty much unavoidable. The sound of computer keys being tapped really fast (as yes, I make that noise now lol) The sound of coloring with crayons. All these noises, geez. It makes me feel silly but they really anger me. I would annoy my family with this all the time. They would always say they couldn’t do anything around me. Which in fact was true. They couldn’t with out getting an eye roll and a complaint from me. True story, When my family went on vacation and had to stay in a hotel room, I would sleep in the bathtub….yes, thats right, the bathtub, in the bathroom, just because it had a door and I could close it to block out the noise of my dad snoring. My mom would have to pack extra blankets for this reason. The bathtub would be stuffed with blankets and thats where I settled down for the night. I have even managed to turn the faucet on during the night by accident. Imagine how angry my mom was when I woke her up for that one. As if having a child sleep in a bathtub wasn’t annoying enough. I eventually discovered the miracle of the walkman and headphones and used that to drown out the noise of breathing, but how pathetic was I? Who does that?…oh right, me! 

How will I ever survive the basic-ness of life? haha.

Know what else I can’t stand? Cats rubbing against my leg. Whats with that shit? Damn, can’t they find another way to go about rubbing their scent on me?…Well maybe I shouldn’t say that, Im sure it could be a whole hell of a lot worse, but still. I hate that shit. Oh I can’t handle when Scrappy does that in the morning…say around 4am. Waking me up with a meow that is loud as a childs scream only to rub his grubby ass on my legs all for the sake of food! And he does it while Im peeing and thats just not ok! I cant just run away from that. Nudging him doesen’t do the trick, and I wont kick him, that would be awful. But I suppose its what I get for taking in a cat that didn’t belong to me!  Scrappy is cool though. Cats can be cool, They are just weird! 

I have an anxious stomach for no good reason at all(that I know of). I hate when this happens! 

I want a chameleon. They are cool critters! I have always liked them! Lizards are cool, but Im not okay with snakes. Nope. Never will be. Can’t stand them. Thinking about them, writing about them…that even gives me chills. A few weaks ago a teacher had a students pet snake in her room. I walked in, realized what was there and walked right back out. It was small and in a safe cage but I couldn’t do it! I was outta there like lightning!

Where am I going with all of this. It has taken me several hours to write this nonsense entry. I keep getting up, doing this and that, pretending to babysit, drinking soda, staring off into nothing, cleaning, looking at oatmeal cookies…

The boys are in bed now. Im still being taunted by oatmeal cookies…. bastards!

I might color a picture in a coloring book.

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