Open Diary is Back – What does it mean?

I started using OpenDiary a long time ago – when I was in high school – and I have many, many memories here. Some are embarrassing. Some are heart-warming. My account is probably one of the older ones here on this website, going back all the way to 2001, not too long after 9/11. That’s unbelievable, isn’t it? I blogged, wrote, mused, complained, ranted, and sometimes got downright violent here on this website, all the way from 9/11 and high school until grad school in 2014, when OpenDiary shut down. There are relationships, breakups, hopes, ambitions, fits of depression and desperation, and things I have long forgotten documented on these pages.

Since then, I’ve started keeping paper journals and have a hoard of material that’s written, drawn, and accented. I recommend it to all of you. Even if you revive this old habit of yours, consider keeping some paper journals. They’ll be hand-me-downs for kids and grandkids and perhaps even evidence for some future historian. Sex, drugs, physics, rock and roll? Who cares? Let’s be true to the world. Let’s be open with ourselves and share the people we really are. Isn’t that the only way humanity can move past some of its hangups with sex, drugs, religion, and existence?

More to come,

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March 21, 2018

I’ve read old entries too. Some are funny, naive, embarrassing. I started this the summer before my junior year in high school (when I was a super innocent kid). then went to college, and life when I stopped college. The years OD was shut down, my life changed a lot: moving, boyfriend, new job.

March 21, 2018

Welcome back! It’s good to have you here!

March 21, 2018

finding my old diary entries was amazing!

mine go back to 2000, crazy right? glad you’re back!

March 21, 2018

I started keeping a family journal at home with anything I want to remember about my kids growing up when OD closed. It is really nice to have that. This is more for me to just be my ridiculous self. I agree, though. Paper is a nice hand me down. 🙂