Hell of a Blow Job



I should be hitting the hay, as I want to get up early to check for Olga.

I remember clearly 2006 going through Cyclone Larry.
I woke up and came on here at 4am to update.
Switched off the comp and went outside to chuck all the outdoor furniture in the pool, and was walking back in when the power went out.

We were lying on the bed, listening to a radio and listening to all the people calling up saying they had lost their roof, and people watching their garages and sheds being blown away.
We lost every single tree on our street, I remember driving to work and looking around just thinking "Fuck!!" lol…
Never seen 2 story high palm trees bent clear over to the road.

That was a cat 4 as it hit the coastline at around 6.30am. 
And was about 100kms south of where I was.
This one is cat 3.  And due to pass directly over top of us here in Port.

When I finished work tonight I called Mum and found out what time she was working, and if she had supplies… ( funny, because I have nothing but water and candles)
Its not supposed to come over until 7 pm tomorrow night, but looking at it, I think it might be earlier than that.

Hanging on to BOM"s every update…

Ok… must go.


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January 23, 2010

I hope it somehow downgrades or changes course. Be safe!! Update soon and let us know how you’re doing!!

January 24, 2010

hugs! Stay safe!