poor little kitty

Well today was a hard start.  I woke up after ten so it was really hard to motivate myself to get up and go running.  On top of that I am pretty sore from my pathetic run yesterday.  Lame!  But I went anyway.  It was pretty much the same story as yesterday I went up the cul-de-sac and up 2 blocks turned and went a block and came back along the middle street.  (that is confusing even to me. )  Today when I was running I saw this tiny skinny little cat.  It seemed afraid but not too afraid so I crouched down to see if it would come up to me and I saw it was missing an eye.  It seemed to be pretty recent because it was very red and not pink and healed.  I don’t know what to do.  It’s to afraid of me for me to get near it.  Maybe I could keep an eye out for it and bring it food so it doesn’t starve cause it’s really really skinny.  I’m not sure if I should call the humane society because with an injured stray like that who isn’t very friendly they’d probably just put her down. She definitely needs medical attention though and I really can’t afford to take her to the vet…   It’s an emotional delimma.
On a positive note I did get my run in.  And I weighed myself today and while it’s probably just water weight I was down 2 pounds which makes me feel like I’m making progress.  Yesterday went ok as far as dealing with cravings.  I had a pretty healthy dinner but I wasn’t hungry for very much of it, but I stayed up late and had a pb&j just because I was bored so it wasn’t exactly perfect.  I’ve been dying for sandwiches lately though.  I’m going to need to get some cheddar singles so I can make cheese sandwiches and avoid the deli meat.  Zach has been in the field training so there hasn’t been cooked meat around to tempt me much.  His friend chris has been staying with us but he eats on a totally different schedule so it doesn’t tempt me much. 
Anyway, I can’t stand it any longer.  I’m going to go find that kitty and at least feed it.  


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December 29, 2009

ryn: haha thanks. i still dont know how i would get it on there. its like sometimes i THINK stuff comes out of it and sometimes i just dont know.