if looks could kill

Soo…. I know it’s been forever. And to say I’ve been busy may seem trite, but if anything it’s an understatement. So here in as short an entry as possible is how my life has been.

The Marriage: Is bliss. Well… sort of. I mean the relationship is great. It’s just a major test having to be married and separated. I know, we set it up this way. We wanted to be married before he deployed again. And it was a great idea. But I miss him so damn much. Plus… I really miss sex. I’m finally getting regulated on this pill (after 6 months) and my sex drive is back with a vengeance. We are getting a house. Zach has already signed the lease and we get to move in on the 27th. I’m actually getting to go and see it with him too. From the pictures I’ve seen it’s super cute. It’s a split level townhouse with a fireplace under the stairs and a bar in the living room. I especially love that when you climb up the stairs you can look down into the living room from the hallway. I can’t wait to see him. I get to move to North Carolina in mid may when I graduate which brings me to…

School: I’m 2 months from graduation (May 16th). I can’t wait but the impending deadline just means that I have my capstone project coming due very soon and I am stressed to the limit. Plus I have to go through the motions of moving. Changing address, packing, ending my lease. Plus… I don’t have a job lined up yet. I’m so nervous that it’s going to be really hard to find a good job in Jacksonville. It’s a marine corps town so it’s mostly strip clubs, bars and tattoo shops. There are restaurants and stores but I’m looking for a career job in the advertising field.  I was pretty sure I’d have no problem with it but Zach made me nervous talking about how tough the job market is there.   I just hope this degree will qualify me for the job I want. 
On top of that this semester was supposed to be easy.  I signed up for 3 athletic classes.  But the papers and improvement goals in those classes are still pretty hard.  Plus I have a massive project for my Advanced Photography class and of course the all important Capstone project.  For those who don’t know a capstone is where I have to demonstrate my skill as an artist before a board of evaluators through a massive project that I work on all semester.   I have 3.5 of 5 pieces done so far.  I may have bit off more than I can chew with this latest one though.  I’m making a flash interactive.  I haven’t touched flash in a year and it’s due this coming Wednesday.  I set all these goals to get done this week and I’ve spent most of it watching TV and hanging out with my family.  It’s ridiculous.  I either have to get a project, a photography portfolio, a research paper and an artist statement done tomorrow and saturday while my family is all around the house or I’m going to be way behind. 

Aside from the incredible stress, I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt.  I’m madly in love with my husband and I know everything is great with us.  My body is getting much more flexible and the working out really de-stresses me.  I haven’t lost any weight yet, but my doctor started me on thyroid hormone which should boost my energy and my metabolism.  I’m really hoping it clears up my symptoms.  Being at home has made me feel pretty sick from all the junk food and sugar so I’m going to do a mild cleanse of lot’s of vegetable juices and whole grains when I get back to school, just for a week until I go to North Carolina to visit Zach.  Then I’m going to do a major cleanse when I get back. 

I just really need to get my homework under control and stop taking so much time to be lazy.  I need a massive amount of focus.


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March 25, 2009

ryn: thanks :] but i found it on a&e

April 8, 2009

I like your diary entry title. If looks could kill you’d be a murderer, or maybe just a _____.