Just getting stuff done

Today went pretty well along the lines of getting a lot of things done that needed work.  I did manage to work on my Mixed Media project a lot.  I’m still not as far as I wanted to be, but I’ve made progress.  I didn’t work on my commercial today like I wanted to but I started on my final midi project which will be Jacks Lament from the Nightmare Before Christmas.  Only one of the best movies ever.  I’m hoping to get the commercial about half finished tonight at home if I can find a computer microphone that works and then I can just put the pieces together on Wednesday and turn it in.  I think I’ll get some more done on the Mixed Media thing as well. 

I really can’t say I did much today.  It’s just been all school.  I did pretty well on my eating healthy and working out thing though.  I stayed on track with the diet all day except for some minty MnM’s that my sister brought me in dance class.  But I ran 2 miles this morning and danced for 3 hours this afternoon so I think I burned a few calories.  It’s pretty good.  I’m going to try to keep my calories down for dinner as well.  Maybe Half a pita sandwich and some cherry tomatos and Iced tea.  I’m really stoked about today, but I don’t have much to say about it.  I know what I’m getting for Christmas from Zakk and Cheryl though.  They both specifically asked me what I wanted and I told Zakk I wanted a pair of Ugg boots.  And I told Cheryl I wanted this really soft blanket I saw at Kohls while we were there together.  It’s totally awesome.  I get the feeling my dad is getting me tires for my car which is cool cause I need them, but I’m not sure.  My sister already bought her present from my dad.  It’s a weird situation but she said what she wanted and he said to buy it and he’d pay her back.  She was playing with it in class today.  It’s a nintendo DS.  Pretty cool i guess.

Anyway, I’m just off to shower and eat and then get back to work.


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