survey. merry christmas

Single or Taken: Single but dating someone

Happy about that: very

Siblings: one sister

Eye color: hazel leaning towards green

shoe size: 6 1/2

Height: 5’2"

What are you wearing right now?: slacks and a turquoise sweater

Can you make a dollar in change right now: no. i have no money

Best place to go for a date: somewhere fun and romantic, not a movie



Kind of pants: short pants… like bermuda shorts

Number: 87

Animal: i love them all.

Drink(non alcoholic): watermelon juice… or bubblegum soda… i don’t know… i love lots of stuff

Sport: volleyball/swimming/horseback riding

Month: september

Juice: something citrus

Favorite cartoon character: lola bunny


Have You Ever…

Given anyone a bath: yes

Bungee Jumped?: no

Made yourself throw-up?: nope

Gone skinny dipping? yes. i liked it

Eaten a dog? not on purpose, but i eat a lot of vietnamese

loved someone so much it made you cry? yes. and they were happy tears

Broken a bone? not unless my toe counts, i didn’t go to the doctor

Played truth or dare? of course, i was a pre teen girl

Been on a plane? yes

Came close to dying? yes… scarey much

Been in a sauna? yes

been in a hotub? yes. love it

Swam in the ocean? yes, way better than a pool

Fallen asleep in school? not during class

Ran away? not really

Broken someone’s heart? yes, but he broke mine first

Cried when someone died? yes

<font size="

2″ face=”Verdana, Arial” color=”#ee4000″ arial=””> Cried in school? yes, when someone died

Fell off your chair? yeah, it was funny

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? it’s been a very long time

Saved AIM conversations? on occasion

Saved e-mails? i used to but now i just delete everything

Made out with JUST a friend? actually no.

Used someone? sort of, but i got attatched to him and it stopped being using

Been cheated on? so many times it makes me sick


What is…

Your good luck charm? don’t have one

New fav. song? you’re going to laugh but it’s smack that by Akon and Eminem

What is beside you? stuff

Last thing you ate? crackers and applesauce

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? whatever is in the shower


Ever Had..

Chicken pox: no

Sore Throat: of course

Stitches: yes 2

Broken nose: no


Do You…

Believe in love at first sight? no. lust maybe.

Long distant relationships? they suck but if it’s love it can work

Like school? yeah but it’s tough

Question? i question everything

Who was the last person that called you? brandon, giving me directions

Who was the last person you slow danced with? i don’t know… it’s been ages

Who knows you the best? sadly, zakk, and no one else


Do you like filling these out: no, but i like to think people read them

Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: no

Do you like yourself: yes

Do you get along with your family? yes


Are You…



Obsessive Compulsive? no. not really


Final Questions:

What did you do yesterday: a whole lot of nothing

Hated someone in your family? maybe… i don’t know

Gotten any awards? tons of academic ones

What car/truck do you wish to have? Fararri marinello 456

Where do you want to get married? anywhere to someone i love

Good driver? yes, but i get pissed

Good Singer? very, i think

Have a lava lamp? no

How many remote controls are in your house? a couple

What was your last dream about? something weird

When you last showered:? this morning

Scary or Funny Movies? both, but i prefer scarey if there’s someone to cuddle with

Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate

Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper? Rootbeer

Summer or winter? summer

Silver or Gold? silver

Diamond or pearl? diamond

Sprite or 7up? Sprite

Coffee or sweet tea? sweet tea

Phone or in person? in person

are you oldest, middle or youngest? oldest


Today did you…

1. Talk to someone you liked:  sort of, texted

2. Buy something: yep, my sisters christmas presents

3. Get sick? today? no.

8. Talked to an ex? yes, but it was only for a second

9. Miss someone? yes


Last person who….

10. Slept in your bed? zakk

11. Saw/heard you cry? zakk

12. Made you cry? zakk

13. Went to the movies with? zakk

15. Said "I Love You"? scott


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ana, Arial” color=”#ee4000″ arial=””>

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet? yes

18. Been to Mexico? yes

19. Been to Canada? no

20. Been to Europe? no



21. Do you have a crush on someone right now? yes… he’s cute

22. What book are you reading now? when comes the spring by janette oak

23. Best feeling in the world? love, it’s great and best friends

24. Future KIDS names? Tidus, Konstantine, Embry,?

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yes

26. What’s under your bed? stuff

27. Favorite sports to watch? BLAH!!!

28. Favorite Locations? destin florida

29. Piercing/Tattoos? ears… but i want more

30. What are you most scared of right now? nothing

31. Who do you really hate? umm… i don’t care enough to hate anyone

32. Do you have a job? not right now

33. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t have a chance with? no. i can pretty much have everyone i’ve "liked"

34. Are you lonely right now? a little, i want to go get a hug in dallas

38. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? i’ll be by edwin mccain

39. Have you ever played strip poker? yeah, in a half assed way

40. Have you ever gotten beat up? no

42. Have you ever been on radio/TV?:yes, for girl scouts when i was a kid

43. Have you ever been in a "mosh-pit"? yeah, it kicks ass. literally…

44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you? ya


what color is your underwear right now? pink argyle

Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex? mouth, then eyes.

Your Favorite Food? sushi

Ever get so drunk you dont remember the night before? nope, that would take a lot

Hair color? red/auburn

Are you too shy to ask someone out? Hell no. but i usually wait because i’m old fashioned

Aim? nope

Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? butter and salt

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