body image 12-11-06

so today went well i guess.  I AM SO FUCKING BORED.  anyway, just an update
current weight: didn’t weigh myself today
goal weight: 110
current height: 5’2"
Food for the day: breakfast: just water
                               Lunch: 3 pieces of bananna  bread with butter
                               dinner: italian chicken, walnut salad, and asparagus
junk food: some ice cream bites and a sip of soda.
glasses of water:5
excercise: ran/walked a mile

so yeah… just the basics.

on another note.  i really miss Josh.  it’s good weird. 
also… i miss wearing diamonds.  someone give me some diamonds…


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December 12, 2006

RYN: Carbs are good for you! You need them to start your mornings, just stay away from the junky carbs! In the morning have a bowl of cereal like special K or raisin bran *even better* to start your brain off. A slice of toast with becel light butter and then an piece of fruit. If you have a craving for sweets, hit the fruits. Sugary but better for you! Sorry to babble.