fuck yeah!

excuse the language in the title… i’ve just been wanting to say that all day.  i think it’s the college in me.  Anyway, i hate making people worry so i thought i’d tell everyone that i’m doing ok lately.  not hella good or anything.  but ok enough to have a good time sometimes.  Like today.  i drank a rockstar and went crazy on all that caffine.  I drove to drop off my sisters birthday present and i was really happy so i was driving fast.  YAY!  thank goodness there were no cops. 

anyway, just letting everyone know that i have completely blanked out all emotions for the moment and i’m living by caffine and sugar and shallow happinesses.  YAY.  it’s really better this way for now.  dont worry… eventually you’ll have me back but i can’t be in touch with myself right now.  it hurts too much.


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