Incident of the Week 1: Bola Shark Rescue

This entry was lost due to an expired OD cookie, so here is a synopsis:

– One morning, Davy asked me if I had seen where the Bola Shark got off to
– No one who had visited that weekend had a clue, including Amanda, Josh, Serge, Elan, and others.
– We couldn’t find him anywhere in the tank and he appeared not to have jumped out.
– As we Jake, Elan and I sat down to watch the breaking bad finale, Jake and I puzzled out that the little shark had gotten stuck in the smiling mushroom state in the fish tank (where the sucker fish normally lives)
– With a surgical professionalism, Davey found his Dremmel, pulled the mushroom out, and sliced the top off
– The fish was fine when we poured him back in and the Breaking Bad Session continued without incident.
– The Breaking Bad finale was awesome!

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