A day in the life

Here’s today so far:

I woke up around 8:40 after about six and a half hours of sleep. For a bit after that, I surfed Reddit on my phone and used the bathroom. Then, I meditated for like five minutes, drank some soy milk, and walked to E&M around 9:10. I had left my headphones at school, so I had a quiet walk and thought about working harder at my physics.

I arrived at the office early, surfed the web a little, then went to E&M with Jake. Class was quite dense today, talking about static potentials in three dimensions, and I didn’t really understand everything that was going on. Class went on a few minutes late, but I had to sprint out the door, grab my yoga mat and block from the office, and head down to yoga at the gym.

Yoga was good – the poses were tough, but we did some meditation as well – but my friend Polly wasn’t there. I met her before the first class and I thought she had a crush on me, but then we had lunch one day and I found out that she has a husband. Sometimes it can be really tricky to read people.

After yoga, I came back to the Physics building for my office hours. I helped a kid with his E&M lab (though I had to run to Slava’s office and ask him what was going on with the field mapping stuff first), then chilled and tried to read Panofsky. Finally, I gave up and started reading Reddit, but then this older student starting asking me about error analysis. I was explaining it correctly to him, but he didn’t like my responses at all for some reason and basically wasted 20 minutes of my lunch break.

After that, I ran and grabbed some pizza at the student center, deposited a physics check, then came back to the office for a make-up E&M lecture at 1:30. Most of the time there got absorbed by a cylindrical potential problem that I asked about, and then I was off for a bit of free time / homework. That got derailed by more people asking me questions, but at least I learned some old tricks about momentum when I helped them out.

Now, I’m in the office listening to the Tron soundtrack, writing, and preparing to do quantum. Hopefully I’ll get that grading done tonight too. Peace! Hang in there, future me.

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September 24, 2012

Just cause she has a husband doesn’t mean she can’t have a crush…nothing is sacred.

September 29, 2012