PhD Program: a few weeks in

Things are really starting to pick up now, with labs to teach, homework in both my classes (I dropped Mechanics because I had no idea how to start the first HW), and my attempts to socialize and relieve stress. The teaching isn’t bad so far, because I haven’t had to grade lots of lab reports yet, but that will start this weekend. The classes are tough, though, especially on my morale. A lot of my fellow first year students have already earned their Master’s degrees, so for them these classes are basically review. For me, though, Graduate level Quantum and E&M are new and difficult! It doesn’t help that I’ve basically forgotten half of the stuff I learned in undergrad, too. Ugh.

We had a quiz in E&M about vector calculus and I did terribly (like 40%). The professor wrote on top that I need to place HIGH PRIORITY on reviewing Griffiths (an E&M text) to help me keep on track.

The social sides of things is a bit better. My roommate is a nice guy, but kind of weird. He has odd sleeping schedules; he tends to stay up late, wake up early, and nap during the day, which is just maddening. He’s also in the room almost 100% of the time. Dude, go out and get some sunlight! Or go do homework at the library or something. How am I supposed to take care of myself, if you know what I mean?

The suitmates are really cool, though. This guy Clay who lives in the room next door has been smoking with me at the park a lot and then watching Game of Thrones on my computer with me. It definitely helps me chill a bit, though I’m trying not to let it get out of control.

TG’s have been fun, too. Those are the meetings on Fridays where all the grad students from different departments get together outside and have some beers. It’s a great way to unwind and forget the week and the workload for a while. I haven’t met any girls there yet, but apparently I ‘creeped out’ one of the organizers, this girl Lydia, by asking if she was in the Oceanography department (how did I guess?!? There are tons of girls in Oceanography). Sorry for showing interesting in something unrelated to your body!

Anyway, more to come later.

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September 23, 2012