As autumn comes, rain

It’s hard to believe that summer is over already. It went out loudly, with the Grand Prix clogging up the streets as Daniel and I took long walks down to the Science Center. Now, the rumble of race cars is gone, replaced by flooding in the suburbs.

My first graduate class, Thermodynamics is finish. I got an A-! I’m pretty happy with that because I got a C in the undergraduate version of the course – my only C during my entire time at university. Now, I need to seek out some research or a more high tech job somewhere, but I’m not entirely sure where to start.

Things with Emily are going kind of slow now. We both like each other a lot and enjoy spending time together, but she’s moved down to college park to finish her last year. She couldn’t make it up last weekend because of the Grand Prix and this weekend I’m going to the beach with Tom, so we’re putting ourselves through a bit of a test. Still, I hope it all works out. She plays games, studies science, and is a really fun person to hang out with. Talk about a super awesome girlfriend! And did I mention that she’s super cute too?

In other news, the new kitten is adjusting well to his life at our apartment. Did I even mentioned that we got a new kitten? His name is Link and we adopted him about a month ago from BARCs animal shelter. He seems to like it her, but sometimes he gets really feisty.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today. More later!

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September 10, 2011

Cute name! Yeah…I miss summer already.