Your forever is all that I need <3

 This weekend was beyond perfect.

On the fourth mom got me some alcohol. I hung out at home and drank. Went to the park for a while. Had the most adorable little girl in the world come sit next to me on the boat dock and stick her feet in the water like I was. Made my day. The fireworks were amazing, though I couldn’t help but with John had been next to me…

Friday I hung out at home until John and his mom came to get me. Turns out she’s really awesome. Very laid back. Very nice. I like her. And I think she likes me? I don’t know. When we got to his house we hung out for a while. Layed in bed. Eventually went swimming with Chaz and Joe Joe. It was fun 🙂 Things got pretty heated that night 🙂 Let me tell you what. I can’t believe how amazing he is at EVERYTHING my gosh. I love him..

John had work Saturday morning so he left early. I fell back asleep for about an hour after he left, before I woke up and did stuff. Hung out. Played with Puppy. Fell BACK asleep for a while haha. When I really woke up I took a shower. Got pretty. Sat outside and then decided to go swimming for a while. I was the only one there other than Bill and I think Shane was there, so I had the whole pool to myself haha. It was so good to actually swim… Tee and I went and picked John up from work and he was hot and irritated so I was worried.. Thought I did something wrong. We went up to his room and he grabbed shit for a shower. I sat in there listening to music till he got back and gave me a kiss then passed the fuck out for a while haha. Turns out the heat just really gets his blood boiling so he was in a bad mood. I felt bad for him =/ He was fine when we woke up though. We hung out for a while. Everyone was gone at the fair and work and such. It was nice spending time alone with him 🙂 That night, things got even more heated. Goodness. He gave me a few jello shots, and he took like 12 haha. They were delicious. We took a nice long shower together that night too. It was amazing :3 He kept telling me he shouldn’t drink around me haha. When we live together… Dear god I can only imagine haha. We didn’t fall asleep until probably almost six in the morning, but I didn’t mind. I love spending as much time awake with him as possible. I want to take in as much of him as I can every time I’m with him… I think the best part of the whole night had to be when Tina came into the room drunk as hell while I was bare ass naked under the covers and kept trying to yank them off of me haha. It was hilarious. I couldn’t help but just laugh my ass off. And she made sure that EVERYONE in the house knew about it too haha.

Sunday we woke up around 11 I believe. We didn’t really do too much that day. Just kind of relaxed around the house because it was really toasty out. It was nice. We hung out with the family. Conversed. That kind of stuff. Waited for Tee to get home from work so we could take me home. I hate leaving. SO much. I wish I could spend every single night and day with him. I would be the happiest person in the world…

Today was nice I guess. It was really hot at work, and my dumb ass chose to wear jeans because apparently in my head it’s freezing out if it’s raining… I’m such a blond -_- Plus my boss made me take out the lip ring I had in, which in turn made my hole close up some so I had to shove my fucking lip ring back through my lip. So that felt really great. 

Tori came over today after I got off of work 🙂 I was so happy to see her. You don’t even know. We went to Walmart and got some things. Then to Starbucks for coffee. Then we went to Taco Bell. Then to Spencer park for a while to eat. Then went and said hello to Jake, who was high as hell and blew a big ass hit of bud into my face when he leaned his head into the car -_- Then we drove around and went back to Walmart for a bunch of Jello for Jello shots :3 can’t wait for my birthday lemme tell you what haha. I’m almost considering doing shit the night of my birthday and just calling in the next day. I mean, shit. I can miss some time 🙂

Well. I suppose that’s all for now. I’m going to go sit on my roof and smoke a cigarette before I take off all of my makeup and lay down for bed. This heat fucked me up today man.



P.S. I am going to marry him one day<3

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July 8, 2013

The heat gets my blood boiling too. Ready for winter time! Have a good night’s sleep! ~ Stephani