Side Note and Stuff


Side note to *Loving Life* Hello! OD is being stupid and won’t let me reply to your note so I hope u read this I didn’t know what else to do lol OD is basically telling me that you don’t exist? Idk maybe you don’t anymore or something, but I hope you do because I always like making new OD friends and reading new journals… Anywho if you do exist and you are reading this leave a note and let me know thanks!!! (It might be because you’re a private journal or something idk if so can I be added to you’re allowed to read list?)
Ello World,
I am so tired!!! It has been two weeks since school started and I already feel exhausted I’m ready for Xmas break… Getting up at 5am and not going to bed till about 11 or 12 is killing me!
My car is still broken so I’m still driving the tank I just want my car back…
I had class last night from 6 to 9 but ditched it to go to dinner with connor lol We went to the local Japanese restaurant I had sushi and stole some of Connors chicken Teriyaki =] it was delicious especially with the miso soup
Afterwards we couldn’t go home because his mom would be really mad if she knew we skipped class so we sat in the car listening to Disney music and singing duets my favorite on to sing with him is A Whole New World from Aladdin  =] He does Aladdin’s parts and I do Jasmine its really fun lol
Anywho we were listening to this song by AFI called 17 crimes and there is this one part of the song where we weren’t sure what he was saying and I thought he said “I’m in love with boys on me” and Connor thought he was saying “I’m in love with boys on leave.” So we looked it up and he was actually saying “I’m in love with Poisoning” I’m not really sure how we were getting something so far from that lol but it was so funny we laughed forever =]
I really don’t wana go to class after work I just want to go to sleep! I think that I will go to sleep after I get out of class at like 3!
Not a whole lot has been going on in my life just surviving the new school year…
I guess I should probably do homework bleh besides OD has been so slow and annoying!
Love and Rocket Ships,
Another Girl

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September 18, 2013

Saw you on front page!

September 22, 2013

RYN: My friend bought the turtles. She keeps them in a small aquarium for now.

September 26, 2013

Get to class girl!!! 😉