Tired of Being a Taxi

 I’m back!

It has been a week or so lol I haven’t really had anything to say…

Been playing Skyrim a bunch I completely OPed my original character… I was playing on the highest difficulty and was only a level 58. I ran out of skills I wanted to learn. I had Smithing, sneak, speech, archery, lock picking, enchanting, pickpocket, and light armor all at 100… I was working on my alchemy and decided to just start over because some of my quests had glitches… So I started a new character this time focusing on magic (I prefer archery and stealth) Magic’s pretty cool though =] Its weird not being so powerful anymore. I keep forgetting I’m not as powerful and dying lol Especially since I leveled up only my health with my first character so I could take a lot of damage  and now I can hardly take any… Anywho not that anyone cares but that’s what I’ve been doing

I’ve also been watching anime… I finished The Devil is a Part Timer I really liked that one I hope it gets a second season… I’m watching Peach Girl in the booth and Steins; Gate and Code: Breaker with Connor

Hmmmm Well I don’t really have anything else to say besides I’m hungry! I can’t wait to get of work and eat I really need to start eating breakfast…

O Connor is taking his driving test today I hope it goes well! I’m tired of always driving people around! I have to pick cake up today when I get off work… She is at the college doing a mad about science camp thing… There are 200 kids so instead of waiting in line to pick her up in my car which takes forever! I park it and walk across campus, which would be a lot easier if there wasn’t construction everywhere! A bunch of shortcuts are roped off so I have to walk in a huge loop and weave all over it’s a pain! Especially in the heat.  And then once I pick her up I have to walk all the way back around eeesh its annoying. Then I might end up having to drop cake off at home and take ry to class at the college! So ill get home to just turn around and come back! The Gervin children need to get their licenses cause I’m getting tired of being a taxi! I shouldn’t complain though Their parents do a lot for me so I don’t mind helping out I just hate driving and it stresses me out especially when there are a bunch of people.

Anywho I’m off!

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tale 

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Yeah! But remember back when you just could NOT wait to drive? I do….meh!I ship for Mizaki in the last epi. Hiss-playing the flute and really meaning to help. So sweet! Between Kamasama and Inu Yasha Tomoe rules, I got tired of Inu yasha yelling!! Also it was borderline BLEACH with the massive battles! That’s why I prefer shoujo! Take care

WHOA! Open Diary crashed for a while! Scary! Started Kimi Ni Todoke, wow! I love it! I was just like her! Over thinking everything! Thank you so much for that! besides I always liked Sadoka from the RING (RINGU) movies! Scary! Take care.. say, do have a Tumblr acct. incase this crashes totally? I should start one again myself. On anime of course!!

August 8, 2013

i made a fighter in skyrim and loved it. i used light armor and duel wield, so i could have different abilities per weapon. i made a second save, to make them into a thief to get the trophies. still stuck with fighter though. and i loathe driving others around. i hate driving myself around. driving cars means requiring more n more maintenance. ewww.

August 8, 2013

ryn; i do everything on ps3. sometimes i think it’d be cool to play skyrim on pc but i remember the headaches i got trying to figure out how to mod the sims 2 for my exgf. but also, i was pissed to get diablo 3 and it doesn’t play right on my computer, that i had bought a month before it’s launch. couldn’t return the game so it became an expensive paper weight. 🙁

August 8, 2013

with all those complications, i stick with ps3. i can buy a game and know it’ll work. haha. i had 100% completion for so long but with all the downloadable content released, my completion dropped 30%. much as i loved the game, i don’t have any time to buy the extra and play it. not with everything else i have yet to play *cough Last of Us cough*

RYN: Oh thanks! She’s a sweet heart and when she’s happy or finds something cool she makes all those kawaii noises like young girls do in anime!! Too cute! I ended my nightmare problems by, as corny as it sounds, embracing the dark side! Do some daydreaming of BEING a monster! Of BEING scary yourself! It worked for me! Love your posts!