Roasted Arislyn

 Dang, 7 in the morning and I already have the A/C on in my little booth it’s too HOT!!!! On Wednesday, we are driving across states with no A/C in my car… We are going to be slow cooked it will be so bloody hot! We are planning on bringing an ice chest with cold beverages and popsicles. That should somewhat help… right? Lol I’m probably going to die so if you don’t hear from me in a week I was roasted…

I hate getting up so early! I was right in the middle of a dream when my alarm went off I hate it when that happens because then I am super tired! On the bright side, it was not a good dream… I was dead in it and haunting my killer it was very strange especially since my killer was a little boy… Everyone looked like anime characters even me…

I have decided that I watch way too much anime! I should really not watch it before bed…

I keep putting off my work lol I did get my power point done for my speech I am giving tonight I do hope it goes well I am really nervous! I don’t speak in front of others well I get all flustered and talk to fast… I hope it goes okay I do want a good grade…

I’m taking a 3D modeling and Animating class this fall I think it will be really fun and suer interesting.  I am having second thoughts about being an English teacher. If I change my major again I don’t think I will ever graduate lol

 I originally wanted to be a tattoo artist and was going to take a bunch of art classes… My Dad was all for it but my mom was like, “what! tattoos! That is the work of the devil” Ok so I might be exaggerating a little but she was not keen on the idea…   So doing the reasonable and realistic thing I switched to business… I planned on getting my degree and running my own business of some kind (Bakery, Nail salon, Hair, Cute stuff like hair clips and things) I’m very creative…  I had a whole list of stuff I was interested in… I also started taking cooking classes because I like Baking (I love cake decorating), but that didn’t work out so… I switched to English… and now I’m trying to get an English degree to teach High school… I don’t know if that is what I really want to do though… I’d rather teach art…  but Art is a dying subject in a lot of schools so… Yeah English here I come… I don’t know what I am doing with life… I love going to college though I have learned so much! It’s a good thing I like college because with the way things are going I’ll be here for the next 10 years!! Yeah for Student Loans! ^_^

Well I guess I’ll stop talking and get back to work on my group project power point… or ill skive off and watch SAO =] Yeah that sounds good lol  

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl

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Oh yeah! Sword Art Online! I was just thinking of that last night… I did find the complex series of Lovely Complex. It’s coming out the 16th at $35 on E-bay!! it was over $300 before!! I would suggest, if you value your sanity, to teach English to GRADE SCHOOLERS not hi-schoolers! I hate to tell you but we are in the middle of a heat wave here! 90’s!! ARGH!! Head for the mountains! Drive safely!

July 1, 2013

Hahahaha glad I could get you to laugh a lil. Yea I am a dark poet I guess. Happy in life…tho! I find dark poetry much more interesting and with much more emotion! I guess it doesn’t really matter where in Cali you live, ’cause it is hot everywhere sun up to 5 hours after sun down. I got home at midnight last night and it was nice out, but couldn’t really cool cool down. You say bloody a lot

July 1, 2013

are you from Oz? NZ? just curious. Oh and you totally need AC in your car! Have you ever had someone look at it, maybe it just needs recharged? I drive a Jeep with no doors so…AC is not in my vocabulary! Although it is hot, I enjoy driving it so much I don’t care about staying cool, as long as I have a smile on my face while driving! Have a great start to your week 🙂

July 2, 2013

OMG Sword art online! Its no1 on my list to watch but some how I am not finding time. So good to meet an anime fan. You do look like anime character in ur profile pic (so cute and lovely!!) I read manga online… Its too expensive for me *cries* And.. I am happy you liked my elephant drawing.. He is our God called Vinayka or Ganpathi… when you said elephant I was like “huh?” *scratching head*

July 2, 2013

Anyway too much anime is fun. What are the series you watched?

RYN: Well you know, teachers don’t LIKE children, they like TEACHING! Most of them are commiserate actors with a high tolerance for mayhem! Little kids can be unruly, true, but Teenagers can be vicious and snarky! I’m not Wiccan, I’m an eclectic, solitary Goddess worshipper and probably closer to a sorcerer than a witch. Have been since I was 10! I don’t think religion should be a click or club!

RYN: You must be in the south of Orygun cause it’s not that hot up here near Portland! Or maybe the high desert. Finished Chuunibyou demo Koi ga ****ai! last night. MAJOR feels!! Tons of tears and heart breaking joy during epi 12! I just loved it! (reading the 2 books online now)I was told Tamako Market might be like that?? Have fun and take care.