Fabrication and Fun

 Hey Hey 

So yesterday Ry got home after hanging out with her friend Anna and she told me about a boy she liked, but Anna was flirting profusely with him… so Ry wasn’t getting any attention. Ry isn’t a very good flirter so in order to get his attention when he asked "Do you like Anime?" she was like "Yep love it!" "Manga is good to its funny how the book is backwards…" 

This made me absolutely die because Ry HATES anime she has told me this sooo many times! the only reason she knows about manga is because she will make fun of me for reading it. She once said Manga was like a reading a boring Anime. haha so when she told me that she told this boy she really likes anime i was laughing so hard!  The way she said it was so funny she meekly looked at me and was like "So… I might have sort of told him … I REALLY like anime…" I seriously died of laughter…  I mean just yesterday she was like anime is so stupid… haha cracks me up. I’m hoping that maybe she will get into anime so that she can talk to the boy about it. If she did it would be really cool cause then I would have someone to talk to about it in person. Connor talks to me but he only watches action ones…  

I get why she lied to the boy I have done that before i mean its what girls do to get attention they fabricate the truth a little (or alot lol) sometimes….  Its just amuses me because of all the things she lied about its anime which she has said she loathes… I told her if she needs help she can watch them with me….

 I’m sick and its killing me because i have class every night! bleh i hope i get better because i want to have a harry potter party this weekend… Yeah for Harry Peaches  (inside HP joke) lol 

I’m excited to try making dango hopefully soon =] I wana try it… I’m also hoping to find a recipe for miso soup that is yummy because I love it! I really just wana start cooking again…

I spent my whole weekend working on a box about me i hand drew everything on it and it took me forever but it looks really cool! 

I got up in front of class to talk about my self and present my box and i completely failed! I got all tongue twisted and panicked! forgot everything i was going to say! I did mention how bald people scare me and the whole class laughed at me… People thought it was really weird and to be honest so do I lol I dont know why bald people scare me they just do I can’t explain it… 

Unlike most people who viewed themselves as great I admitted that I harbor a deep self loathing! I really dont like ME… It makes it hard for me to be around people because i think they feel the same way as I do… I don’t hate myself as much as I use to Connor has helped me with that… but I still just have really low self esteem I really hate it and am trying to reverse it but its a slow process… 



Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girl


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Ya know…. it won’t take long for a real Otaku to figure her lie out. Then it’s OOPS! I buy instant miso in a squirt bottle, Marukome Miso & Easy. It’s a concentrate and really good! Asian stores have it. I haven’t watched much lately. My Thai niece is coming to stay as a foreign exchange student so busy, busy, busy! 15 page application for us! Whoa!! True to Anime!!

June 26, 2013

That’s really sweet that Connor is helping you with that, it sounds like you two are good for each other (: