The stars shine bright…

 I’m typing on my ipod again… I have allot on my mind tonight idk why it doesn’t wana shut up and sleep! I wish it would quite down so I could escape to a dreamy land I don’t even care if I have a nightmare. I just wana sleep! Ihave work tomorrow and my speech class… My unicorn light is reflecting stars on the ceiling which I find comforting I love opening my eyes and seeing them… They light up my room and make me feel better safer… I hate how quite nights are… I got home around 10 and picked up my room… Not sure why I’m writing this entry just idk can’t bloody sleep! I wish I was a bird. I want to sail around the world I’m tired of America! I’m just so restless I want something….i hope. Feel better tomorrow haha I need to stop being so serious ๐Ÿ˜› i just got a craving for books! I loveeeee the way books smell especially old ones if I could own a bookstore I’d be the happiest person in the world!  I can’t even describe why I love the way books smell…. The mustyness and inky smell is just delicious idk ha ha 

i wish I had a baby elephant…

i wish I was a star that twinkled in the sky and made wishes come true! I think granting wishes would be a splendid job I enjoy helping people but I would only grant them if their heart was true….

live always been afraid of the sea. Even As a child I wouldn’t like looking at picture books of it especially when it’s dark… I think I’m just afraid of the dark… I am thankful for frosting my unicorn light ๐Ÿ™‚ he keeps me safe 

I wish I had happy dreams I hate nightmares.. I miss my mommy…. I miss her tucking me in when I was little and checking for monsters.. I mss her hugs and story’s  she would always read to me even if she got home from work late… I know I sound childish but I wish I was still small!

i’m glad I have my stuffed animals ๐Ÿ™‚

i can hear thunder rumbling in the distance it’s oddly comforting I like hearing the clouds fight

i guess I really should sleep… Goodnight sweet dreams! 

Love and rocket ships

Another Girl

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Thanks for your note and anime hint. Stay a child as LONG as you can. “Growing up” just means hardening up, closing up, I fought that for 60 years and tried to teach my 6 kids the same. I failed! they all grew up and are VERY STUFFY adults! Meh! I have a rain and thunder CD I play when I can’t sleep. Sweet dreams!