Tennis Playing Mobster

 Blah blah blah blah… I really don’t feel like writing today, but I didn’t write anything yesterday either so… Cake and I are going to be cooking for everyone all week so we made a menu last night…

Monday: Homemade Mac and Cheese with bacon and carrot sticks

Tuesday: Sloppy Joes with fruit salad and jello  (JellO is like the best thing on the planet!)

Wednesday: My special Pizza Pasta it’s so yummy and I created it totally by accident!) Its mozerella cheese with cherry tomatoes fresh basil and bacon all mixed up with past… it’s an ooy gooey delicious mess lol for dessert we are making mud pie so Wednesday should be delicious!

For Thursday and Friday, we need to pick something still we want to try something new and exciting! We will probably find a new recipe online or something…

Anywho, I enjoy cooking with Cake we make a great duo… I’m glad I’m only working till noon since I’ll be cooking all week

Nothing else is really happening I played SWTOR with Connor like all day yesterday it was pretty fun…

Hmmm yep that’s basically it… ooo we leave for Oregon this Saturday we will probably leave at 5 in the morning cause there is a jazz festival at 1 my mom wants me to go to with her and J so yeah… I don’t even like jazz but o well.

When I’m working this really funny old man smoking a huge cigar always comes through the booth in a old red hot rod of some kind, (I am not good with cars). He is always on his way to play tennis. And every morning we always have the same exchange …I’m like "Good Morning how are you to day?" and his response is always "Still short, fat, and ugly, but proud of it!" then he laughs like a crazy mobster with the cigar still in his mouth and I laugh to and he waves and drives off… I think he is what I’m going to miss most when I stop working here lol I don’t know why, but he cracks me up! Are little exchange in the morning always makes my day a little brighter! Its hilarious to see this short old man just smoking a giant cigar with all his tennis gear on… He wears a hat and everything it’s great! 

There use to be an old woman that would come through my booth, and she would always bring me something like cookies or candy it was really nice, but she died… i read about it in the paper =[ it really bummed me out! She was seriously the sweetest woman ever! 

I wish I had something more interesting to talk about um hmmm……   yeah that’s pretty much it for the life that is currently mine

Love and Rocket Ships,

Another Girls Tale

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May 13, 2013

RYN: You can choose the songs you want on Spotify. On Pandora, you can’t! It is so far better, hahah. Anyways, I want to practice it but I just never have free time 🙁