Art! Art! Art!

 So this is a watercolor and painting I did a while ago, They are not very good lol but I was just trying something new…

And this is just a random tree painting I love pink… If its not already obvious… pink profile, pink hair, pink font yeah a lot of pink…

 I have been obsessed with sharpies recently so here are some doodles I have done with those…


Finally these are some charcoal drawings I did for my freehand drawing class…

Not the best but I usually draw people and not objects and things lol I really like drawing skulls… So yeah…. I apologies for the shitty quality but i was using my ipod camera so…

I just wanted to share some of my art work I love to sketch with pencils, charcoal, and colors, and I also love to paint with water colors and acrylic… I’m not amazing and It’s just a hobby but yeah…  I’m probably rubbish and I’m  keeping my day job and staying in school I’m not making a career out of my mediocre semi talent lol 

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May 8, 2013

Found you on the front page…awesome art.Lola Falana

May 8, 2013

Wow.. you are an amazing artist! Do you do calligraphy? Btw, thank you for your note. I appreciate the prayer. A lot goes through my head… and my thoughts aren’t pretty. I need God more than I have ever needed him. Thanks for the encouragement though 🙂