No More Secrets

So says Sneakers, so says I.  So says today supposedly.  Someone told me today is postsecret day.  But the truth is, I have no secrets to tell.  There is nothing to me that I would not admit to anyone and everyone.  I think that scares a lot of people or confuses them.  I know for certain that 85% of the world believes it to be a lie. 

There are no secrets to me.  There are things I do not readily say, things not so much denied a person, just not told unless asked.  They do not ask about what happened to me in High School, and I don’t tell them.  These things are dark and no one likes to hear that.  To tell you the truth, it’s very hard for me to remember the last time somebody really cared enough to get to know me the way I think it’s important to know someone.  I’ve been on many first dates now over the last couple of months, and they all go along the routes of likes, dislikes, food, music, film, literature, philosophies…etc etc etc.  I’ve talked with many people to alleviate the loneliness that I often feel….but I still feel alone.  I scratch whatever I said to whoever I told that I wasn’t lonely.  I am.  But it’s not something I whine over.  I know that I’ve made my mistakes, in fact some colossal ones over the years.  I did not cheat and I did not lie, but I did let a girl go who was very good to me.  I believe she’d still take me back if I asked her, but I remain unconvinced that I want to.  Because she will never truly understand me. 

She is kind and sweet and cute and nice.  She indulges me.  She nurtures the things I care about and absolutely adores my sense of humor and my wit.  But she offers no challenges.  She does not know the things I know even on the basest and simplest of levels.  And while I have often told myself that a simple, sweet, girl would be good enough, someone who would be a good mother…I know that I’m choosing something expedient and efficient and not something ideal.  Upon my most recent first date with a girl named Lily, she could not believe that I hoped to aim for universal truth and the hope to reach Humanity (with the capital H) because I would most likely fail.  And in doing so it’s quite possible that I would help no one.  She preferred to change small pieces of the world one by one.  She may never accomplish and will never accomplish what I would do if I was a success, but she would, when she passed on, have a much smaller chance of failure.  I cannot help it, I must aim for the absolute best in an attempt to achieve it….because I don’t believe we can inspire greatness by aiming for something we already know we can accomplish.  To you Faulkner, a toast.  To you Hemingway, To you Wolfe and Woolf, to you Byron and Keats, Whitman, Emerson, Dickens, Donne, Austen.  A toast.

And the same is true of love.  We can aim for the thing we want, or we can take the thing we need.  We can suffer a little longer and hurt a little more to find someone who makes violin string crescendoes at first kiss…or we can stop being alone.  The greatest love is the one we do not need, but still want.  I have always believed this and try very hard to practice it despite the fact that I’m a human born with an unshakeable desire to love and be loved in that way that I can only satiate in tiny doses by being more than kind to relative strangers and adoring everyone deeply.  But there is further depth I can reach, and just because I can love anyone and marry any one of my girlfriends or exes doesn’t mean I will.  There is one that I will.  And if, for some reason, all things fall apart.  Perhaps there will be another.  But the truth is, it is not just any one. 

I am a paradox and perhaps that’s why I find them beautiful.  I put myself down frequently, but I do not dislike myself.  I do not feel there is anything wrong with saying I have faults, making light of them, or even taking them very seriously.  I brag about myself plenty, but I do not think of myself as on so much higher an echelon than others.  Sometimes, I admit, I think far more highly of myself than others….but I think we all do (of course I think most other people do it out of blind ignorance and a lack of self analysis or faulty self analysis so the big question is am I just another schmuck like all the rest?).  It’s possible. 

The truth is that I’m complex.  I’m so much more than a single day, so much more than a single conversation, a single sit down dinner where I stare and chat.  I seem to be more than my entire lifetime so far, as no one has yet gotten to know me the way I wish to be known.  I have no secrets.  I am not ashamed to admit anything I’ve done.  I have done things that I regret and things that I’m not sure I should have done.  I have lied about small things not worth lying about, but I lied anyway to ease my predicament just enough so that I didn’t need to think about it any longer.  I have, however, never cheated on anyone.  Nor have I ever lied about a relationship.  Maybe I should have, maybe had I tried all those years before to find someone else before I broke up with Rachel I’d still be with her and things would have been different and we would not have had a year long silence which still has not fully healed but is getting there.  If I had sought out Lindsay to see how she felt before I broke up with Nancy, perhaps Nancy and I would still be all right.  It’s possible.  But I don’t think so.  I think once something has ended, it cannot be rebuilt without a great deal of effort and I know for certain that I was not man enough then to keep it alive.  I regret that deeply and sometimes, yes, still cry over it.  I don’t take things lightly.

Please God, don’t let them give up on me.  These women with their fascinating eyes and smiles, with their soft words and the light inside them…the light of hope and possibility.  It is easy to say that the ones who turn you away were never the ones to begin with, but that’s just another convenience.  The world is full of them and I will have no truck with them.  None.  I can’t make Kate, Dana, or Stephanie forgive me, I can’t because I don’t think I did anything wrong, no, I know I didn’t.  And I can’t take back words I said in anger, frustration, no matter how little or much I believed them or how right.  On some level, I failed them.  If they want nothing more to do with me, then that is their choice and I hold no ill will towards them no matter how hurt and shocked I am by it.  There is a part of me that will always remain the cynic to the rest of me which I shall call the martyr apparent.  I’m no martyr.  I do what I think is right and I make no apologies for it.  Please God, don’t let the Past or the Future give up on me.  Let them give me the chances to show them how great I can be, how great I already am.  I know love deeper than most do, I know commitment, I know so much….and I keep learning….and one day, the greatest thing I’ll learn is to be able to say something that can equate to the depth, breadth, and power with which I feel….so that those who do

n’t want to will still believe me.

I write this hoping that some will read and understand, if not everything, at least part.  Perhaps just enough.  I do not write this for pity and I dont’ write this to be applauded or to have the world at large read this and respect me.  If you wish to leave a note telling me I’m arrogant or a martyr, your opinion is welcome and I will read it and consider it as best I can.  The nature of most of these notes is to attack and I dont’ generally respond well to them, as most people don’t.  I will say, if you think for one moment that you can criticize me, then by all means do.  But if ever there was a way to lay out all one’s accomplishments and regrets, and to see how often the former get celebrated and the latter are mourned, you will find me severely lacking in fanfare and possessing copious amounts of eulogies and tears.  It is my luck, it is all our luck, that we are pretty certain of what we handled well enough to applaud….it is our curse that we’re never really sure what we handled poorly.

Do me a favor this night or the next after you read this.  Don’t tell a secret to me, unless you wish to.  But in the night, in the dark…lay in your bed alone and tell the world at large the answer to a question you’ve longed for someone to ask.  Or tell it to me.  You don’t have to tell me the question, what the question would be, you can veil your answer as much as you like.  Do this.  Then tell me if it wasn’t possibly one of the most intimate moments you’ve ever had.  Perhaps I’m just as alone on that one, too.

Good night.

Log in to write a note

I lay awake at night and think about my future. I think about when I was little and did the same thing, and how I experienced the same feeling: nothingness. It’s not that dismal “I have no future” feeling, but this odd, blanket feeling that i’m not going to experience old age. It was the same when I was younger, as far back as I can remember. In my heart, in my soul, I felt that I would never…

…know what it was like to be married, to give birth, to live as an adult in the world. I’ve always felt a bit… gifted with foresight? I don’t know, it sounds crazy to me too, but I believe it. So, I face the same empty feeling now. When I sit and think about what might happen in the future, it’s dark. There’s no imagination, no possibility, no random thoughts. I don’t think it’s my limited…

May 21, 2007

…imagination, because there are things that I can picture very vividly in my mind, and I do dream in great detail, and I think that indicates that my imagination is overwhelming. But, in all my rationalizations, in all my work with solving other people’s problems, I can’t solve my own little mystery. So there is my secret. I have no future. And since there is no future, there’s no need to hide.

May 21, 2007

RYN: Not only do I not live in the area, but I live on the opposite coast. :-/ pity. It’d be nice to meet one guy who’s not an asshole in some regards.

Statement of fact and question. You keep stating that you don’t want pity. You keep cranking out these maudlin, almost presuicidal diary entries. Why do you keep saying things like this when clearly you want a sympathetic ear/eye? I lay awake and thought about how I secretly like High School Musical. I then cut myself a little. sob…

May 24, 2007

Lucky I have you to be the voice of reason to help me grow up from my maudlin attempts at evoking pity and sympathy from my readers.

May 24, 2007

Further, how can anything be absolutely clear when I convalute it by saying that’s exactly what I don’t want. You obviously, for whatever reason, ascertain that I want pity. You, obviously, don’t know me well. And I don’t mean you haven’t spent time with me, I mean that while you once may have thought you knew me…you never really did. And oh yes, how emo of me.

May 24, 2007

Oh, and your random note would work better if your written voice wasn’t very clear to me. That’s me saying I know who you are.

May 25, 2007

Further, you may attack me all you like, but if you attack someone who reads my diary, then I will take it upon myself to allow only my favorites to leave notes and read. What is said about me is one thing, what you cowardly say about someone else to me is another.

You misunderstand, Dear Luther. I do not wish to attack anyone; you are being awfully defensive of one so deep. I certainly do not wish to attack those who are considered your friends, a circle which grows small according to the tones of your entries. I merely wished to point out a fact and ask a question. I’m sorry if I offended.

Furthermore, who do you think I am? I most assuredly do not know you. We’ve never spoken face to face, I’ve never even seen you. I only know you through Who are you afraid of? What have you to fear from what this person may say? I do not mean to patronize or probe; I simply made a point, and subsequently, a query of you.

May 29, 2007

I have no inclination to trust what you say about who you are and whether you know me or not and no desire to name who I think you are. If you wish to remain ambiguous, then there you are. “You keep cranking out these maudlin, almost presuicidal diary entries.” This is not a statement of fact. That is an insult. That is a baseless opinion grounded only by your own interpretation.

May 29, 2007

“Why do you keep saying things like this when clearly you want a sympathetic ear/eye?” This is a rhetorical question…very lawyerly in structure. You pretend to ask a query but instead try to present your already formed answer. “I lay awake and thought about how I secretly like High School Musical. I then cut myself a little. sob… ” That was an insult and a mockery of what I asked.

May 29, 2007

It was also an insult of what others responded with. I have no time to suffer fools. If you don’t know me and never have met me, then I think you idiot to attempt to categorize me. And if you think that your approach is going to butter me up to explaining myself to you, then you are even more foolish. If you do know me, then you’re a liar and I have no time for them either.

I’m going to interject with a little love here. <3

May 29, 2007

Any who have opinions of this diarist or wish to read the opinions of others on this diarist, please visit the diary called “OD Member Spotlight”.

May 29, 2007

a lot of good points here that i agree with, and i know i could never actually have written them so eloquently. particularly your view of true love. but i may never marry- i’d almost rather suffer longer and keep the final one for as long as i can. and only then if i am absolutely sure that i can actually commit my entire self would i consider it. right now i cannot even imagine it.

May 29, 2007

re: i completely agree. i would probably do the same, for the same reason. if all else fails, any children i have will be most important to me. i refuse to ruin or taint their lives because of the choices i’ve made. at the same time, right now i simply cannot even imagine having children. so that decision is years away for me.

May 29, 2007

also, thank you for reading. 🙂

your bit about her having less chance of failure. . . well that’s the half-empty version. she also has a higher chance of success. anyway. i have a secret to tell you: if you didn’t play wow, i’d find something else to harp on to make up for how much i adore you. you knew that though.