Another Entry…So Soon?

Home again.

Thank goodness for the holidays, which remind you exactly why you should be thankful for the rest of the time you DON’T have to spend around the people you HAVE to love.

It’s funny. I notice I say that a lot, but that’s digressing. It’s funny how the first adjective that my family and many of my friends would use when describing me is “intense.” And not as in a rush of adrenaline, though I’d like to thinks I am at least sometimes, but as in high-strung, wound-up, and maybe even overly anal. Then I look around and realize how “not that” I am.

For me, my general nature is a bit more energetic and spastic…a bit more muscularly constricted and intense…but not due to frustration….not due to an overly exacerbated sense of worry like others. Driving through traffic and setting up the Christmas tree has taught me that. My mother driving was so annoyed and ranting about traffic…and I couldn’t help but think what it helped to be like that. It was the same when we were shopping and the lines were long…there’s nothing to be done…why complain? You’re not going to try and solve it yourself, which means it’s obviously not too big of a deal…so why give yourself a coronary?

My father is the same. My mother asks him one question and he explodes into a mode of self-defense where he blames Mom for all the problems and rids himself of the guilt by putting inane obstacles that anyone could avoid in the way. Really, you didn’t put the lights and ornaments on the tree tonight because it was too dark? GET A LIGHT! Is it that hard? Why don’t you just say you didn’t feel like it? Ah, but saying that would make my mother go off.

My parents are terrible. And since being home, I’ve come to so many moments of wanting to tell Kate things, that it’s quite frustrating not having her around to cuddle with. It’s been three days, I know, we’re sick….we’re the couple that you hate watching because they look so damn cute and are flaunting it RIGHT in your face — at least take consolation that we’re doing it on purpose because we like frustrating you…;)

Hopefully she’ll call me back…or perhaps I’ll have to just wait until Christmas day to hear from her. Ahhhh….the torture. But it’s the sweetest torture I get to endure….especially in this house. Good night everyone. Pleasant Dreams. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

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December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas! Heh – that’s my attitude. Can you do something about it? Yes? Then do it. No? Then what’s the point in worrying about it.

December 24, 2004

Sorry I haven’t called you back yet.I’ve felt like shit the past 3 days.I’ll try to call you tomorrow, but I don’t want to bother you on Christmas…so if I don’t get a chance I’ll call you when I get back from McCook, which will be Wednesday. I promise. I hope you have an awesome & I still want to get you something..give me a hint 🙂 Love,Marie

December 24, 2004

That was suppose to say awesome Christmas…tis a tad late 😉

December 29, 2004

*grins* that is sweet. Well it ended sweet at least. I know how it can be between parents. Mine used to fight as well. Made me feel like running away from home. But they did love each other a lot. It was just that everything else about life was so damn high strung. *sigh* Well hope that you have a great New Year though. Take care and be well. God bless.