Important Moments

I couldn’t really think of a better sounding title, so I guess this one will have to do.

I’ve either come to a climax moment of my life, or perhaps I’m just so tired and loopy from the head cold I have that I am putting a great deal of importance on these things that are occurring to me. But all of a sudden I find myself confronting a lot of important moments in my life. And I hope I don’t fail at them. I hope I get what I want….

The first is Copenhagen. This is probably the most amazing show I have ever been in, and the most important. It pains me to know that I didn’t get the role I wanted in this show, because I could have levelled the houses with it. I have a good role though, a great role that I make the strongest role in the show when it is really the weakest as far as dramatic power. I’m excited. This show means so much to me, I don’t know how I could ever explain it and I hope it sells well and everyone comes… means a lot.

I have a playwriting class that is important, because I’ll be able to write a whole one act and furthermore, it will get me ready to write again because Hope has been amazing at giving me all these heads up about play competitions, all of which I’m going to enter. Soon I could have plays up the butt being produced places.

I’m going to Madison for WTAs….hopefully. And that could open doors into theatre work this summer that pays well and offers me good….or even great roles. That’s another thing I’m excited out of my mind about. My career could really begin to blossom now.

I’m pitching the next year’s full production of the Masquer’s show, which would be finally a real chance at directing. Plus Wayne is pitching my show for the Fall season for the Community Theatre here, which would be two REAL directing chances which would make me cry happy happy tears. Wayne and I are also discussing the possibility of me writing a full show that could be produced here at River Falls and then submitted to ACTF next year which would be beyond phenomenal.


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I’m over the test already. Crap happens I guess. BLAH!

February 2, 2004

poor brad, haven’t gotten any notes for a while… so i’ll leave you one to make you feel better! luv ya Nik

Just follow your heart, who cares what anyone else says? Love the girl who your heart choses, not your rationale….and good luck on your play!

February 3, 2004

Hey what happened the other night? It was like you couldn’t hear me. I think I went into valley (I was on the road) and I tried back but I had no reception and then I got you calling back but I was on the phone with my g-ma and I couldn’t answer and then we stayed on until about 930 so…whew…boy what is up with our phone problems? Hope you got all your paperwork figured out:) Talk to you later!

February 9, 2004

no biggie. i’m done w/ class @ 11, so whatevah luv ya nik

do you not update anymore? sheesh am I going to have to try to figure out where I left off and start reading back entries again? hope you’re doing well.

Hey! Where’d ya go?!