
After watching an SNL rerun last night and listening to John Mayer, I found a melody running through my head. It wasn’t John Mayer’s melody, it was one that sort of was spawned by his and mutated slowly into a more and more intriguing and different item altogether.

As any of you know, all the poetry I wrote on here, except for the very earliest works where I was just cataloguing electronically things I did before in journals, I make up off the top of my head. Every last verse gets vomitted out and is left there in raw and natural form. Either I’m too lazy to change it, or I believe in the sanctity of the original thought and emotion; you pick one, I believe they’re probably both right more or less.

But the point of aforesaid paragraph and statements was that I actually wrote down the beginning and the chorus(as we shall call it) to this little lyrical ballad. It’s got a tune as so many of my poems do, but of course you can’t hear it so that makes me more special than you. Haha.

Ahem. Sorry about that. Got a bit carried away with my own self-indulgent arrogance. Without further ado, I give you raw thoughts from in my noggin(is that how you spell it?).

Let’s come to a decision

About the little lives we’re living

Like we were supposed to be big movie stars.

Let’s forget about our bullshit

What makes us think we need it?

Why hold onto finished things like they might ever change?

Let’s speak our minds

Like we’ve gone blind

And never saw the things we’ve seen

Or spoke the things that sound obscene.

Let’s unhear those hurts that we have heard

Erase all those painful, petty words,

That hit so hard

They shatter our

Heart into unthinking shards

That never can be cleaned.

And instead we’ll smile….

And instead we’ll laugh….

And maybe we will cry the wiles away from our past.

We’ve raced on down these rustic roads

Forgot where it began and where it goes

Because we’ve been dreaming about what’s around the bend

And all that time we couldn’t see

Moving at such break-neck speeds

That what we are when we arrive is what we were along the drive.

Let’s speak our minds

Like we’ve gone blind

And never saw the things we’ve seen

Or spoke the things that sound obscene.

Let’s unhear those hurts that we have heard

Erase all those painful, petty words,

That hit so hard

They shatter our

Heart into unthinking shards

That never can be cleaned.

And instead we’ll smile….

And instead we’ll laugh….

And maybe we will cry the wiles away from our past.

And what we believe is not a renting space.

And what we dream of isn’t out of line.

There aren’t any rules that can confine us now

We’ve gone blind right now

And when you cannot see any signs

There’s no place to look but inside

Where there is no precious light to shine

But still here we can see.

We’ve spoke, we’ve seen, we’ve even heard

A million sights and a million words

But maybe if we listen

To the one thing we’ve been missing

That voice that we keep resisting

We might finally find our way.

Let’s not forget the pain we’ve felt,

Let’s not forget that our hearts can melt

And wash away the things we don’t want to feel again.

And let’s remember memories that shine

Let’s remember those of trying times

But let us remember too that we have grown from both the same.

Let’s speak our minds

Like we’ve gone blind

And never saw the things we’ve seen

Or spoke the things that sound obscene.

Let’s unhear those hurts that we’ve heard

Erase all those painful, petty words,

That hit so hard

They shatter our

Heart into unthinking shards

That never can be cleaned.

And instead we’ll smile….

And instead we’ll laugh….

And maybe we will cry the wiles away from our past.

It’s hard to feel inspired at times,

It’s hard to feel some peace of mind

I’ve got dreams that did not come true, too.

But I know I’ll find my way

I know I share the blame….

But when I smile and when I laugh,

I think of all the things that have past

I see myself renewed again….

Right where I am standing….

And right around the bend.

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December 29, 2003

wow… speechless… wow…

::claps:: bravo bravo:) I would LOVE to hear that to the tune intended, and not just the one in my head.:)