Center of the Universe

From my center of my universe

Want to scream out some simple words

Some vulgar words,

Some pretty words,

Something that might be heard…

And understood.

There’s a dead end road I exist upon

Snowy fields, fallen pines and oaks,

A couple old wheels with broken spokes

Reminding me of travelling

Without a place to go.

And I just scream out loud

Cuz there’s no words left in my mouth.

And I just cry at night

Without tears because they all have dried.

And the wicked wind cuts to my bone

And reminds me that I’m still alone

Despite the smiles and eyes and hands

Of this world of man.

I’ve lost my rhyme.

I’ve lost the tune to this stupid song.

It’ll sound so beautiful when I’m done

Or when I’m gone

Or someday soon when it becomes

Something more than a scream.

And I’ve lost my way.

Though there’s been but one icy road.

I haven’t slipped in all this time

Nor turned back to look at life passing by

But still I’ve lost my own way.

And I just scream out loud

Cuz there’s no words left in my mouth.

And I just sleep through the night.

Like a wretch who hasn’t got any fight

Left in his blood

Whose all but done.

What a fucking sham

Is this world of man.

And there’s a rage that builds in me

Until I scream and say some nasty things

To try and change the world with pity

Or maybe with compassion.

But I don’t feel the rage the way my words do say.

I’ve got no place to feel it.

No tears to cry, no fists to swing

No breath or voice to keep on singing

About love, love, love.

About love, love, love.

Back when I had lungs to sing

I was king.

Back when I had a brain

I had words to say.

I made epic things like this,

This thing that’s but the wind.

This thing that is a tombstone

To a feeling that comes and goes

Back and forth down this road.

And it just goes on and on

Like me.

It wanders and it returns to burning fires

And crystal tears.

Poignant thoughts and universal fears

That make me a man of this world.

That make me a man of this world.

And I’ve come so far…..

So far upon the thought that love will bring me peace

While I walk upon this lonely road.

But I see I got it wrong in thinking

Giving love was the key, it’s getting love

That sets you free. And I’ve been running

Through the cells singing come with me.

But where is the one to open my cell for me?

Where is the one to open my cell for me?

And I scream out loud…

Hoping that someone will hear my shouts

And when they come they stand outside the bars

And tell me things about just how far

They’ve gone with me….but they do not have the key

Because I just realized…..

That I never heard the cries of the ones I freed.

And that’s what everybody needs.

Yes that’s what everybody needs.

Someone who hears the shout when there’s nothing there.

And when I’m silent I find there’s no one anywhere.

So I can’t cry at night.

Not for this epic life

Which is my own and that pieces link to others

When I wrap myself inside my covers

And try to dream of fantasies

Where someone comes and sets me free

Knowing that it was what I needed

Without ever hearing me beg and plead.

From the center of my universe

Just want to hear some simple words

Some vulgar words

Some pretty words

Some made-up words from pretty eyes

That hold the keys to let me free

And do.

These bars are holding me in…

I’m dead already, but I could still live

Is there anyone to set me free from this?

Is there anyone that can

In this world of man.

Log in to write a note

After coming home this X-mas I’ve realized that this whole year of my life I’ve been competing with Nicole for the worst life…like “my parents divorce was more traumatizing than yours” It’s extremely sad and pointless for me cuz of course Nicole is going to win. Because not only have we resorted to the “worst life war” it’s also “who can pretend to be happy at the appropriate times…

or totally depressed at the appropriate times.” I’ll never be able to compete. I do have a point here…by having this “war” I’ve been actually making myself believe I am the center of the Universe, maybe then I could be more pathetic. While the whole f’ing thing is more pathetic then I could ever be.

December 24, 2003

*biiiiiiiiiig hug* dude, I wish I knew what to say, or what to do to make you feel better, I’d say make you smile, but that is so superficial, anyone can just smile and pretend everything is fine, but to actually have hope of being happy is another thing. luv ya Nik

December 24, 2003

hey, i’ll audition if you help me get ready for it, i suck at auditions, and you kick ass… sooo…

December 24, 2003

dude, seriously… thanks.. your note made me feel a lot better. I seriously had your number dialed into my phone, ready to call as i was fleeing the party last nite, but i was afraid you were busy w/ your family… *f* it, i’m always afraid, same reason i never show up at yer apt, i’m afraid your busy!! dude, why am i always afraid? RAAARG!! Well, anyways… Merry christmas hon! luv ya nik

December 24, 2003

merry christmas. d.

Sorry…I didn’t get your note until this morning. Thank you for the offer. I ended up goin’ to Josh’s dad’s for dinner and such. Whatev. But hey!…I’m here till the fifth, we got lots of time! :o)

December 26, 2003

I really like your writing. But you have a lot of anger, my friend. Keep the venting coming. I always find that writing frees some of the anger as well as confusion.