As Time Passes By

No, this is not a philisophical entry at all, though God does hate me it seems.  My car broke down two days ago in the middle of the highway and now it seems the repairs might cost nearly 1000 or more.  I haven’t even got an exact estimate because they said the only way to know for sure is to go INTO the engine. 

So I decided to do a survey and then shower and go eat.  Just waiting for a phone call now.  Not an exciting entry, really…;)

– – – Body – – –

1. What do you most like about your body?: Good shoulders I guess.

2. And least?: I could use more muscle.  I don’t know, whatever would turn the women on…;)

3. How many fillings do you have?: 4

4. Do you think you’re good looking?: I do, but that is disputed by some.

5. Who would you like to look like?: Hm, I like me.  [When I did this entry, I also mentioned Johnny Depp. But obviously, I was retarded at the time, or high. So, let’s forget I ever said that.]

6. Do other people often tell you that you’re good-looking?: No.

7. Do you look like any celebrities?: I don’t know, ask somebody else.  A few say Harry Potter, the bastards.

– – Fashion – – –

1. Do you wear a watch?: Though I own one, no.  I’ve never been obsessed with time.

2. How many coats and jackets do you own?: Two, my winter one and my spring one.

3. Favorite pants/skirt color?: I like khakis or black dress pants.

4. Most expensive item of clothing?: My suit.

5. Most expensive piece of jewelry?: I don’t own any jewelery

6. What kind of shoes do you wear?: Either dressy kinds of boots like Rockport, or dress shoes.

7. Describe your style in one word: Unique.

– – – Your Friends – – –

1. Do your friends ‘know’ you?: Not really. 

2. What do they tend to be like?: My friends?  Very random people that I engage more often then they engage me.  The kind of people who don’t seek me out, except for a good few.  I don’t really have all that many people I think are good friends.  They’re mine, but I’m not their’s sort of thing.

3. Are there traits in you that are universally liked?: No.

4. How many people do you tell everything to?: Nobody.  I tell a lot of things to people, but not everything.  I’m afraid to….I don’t believe anyone either cares or would really benefit from listening.

– – – Music/TV/Film/Books – – –

1. Favorite band ever?: Collective Soul

2. Most listened to music: Punk/Funk Rock

3. Do you find any musicians good-looking?: Yeah.  I think Britney Spears is pretty hot, so sue me.  But I’m usually not big into musicians’ looks.  I just listen to the music.

4. Can you play an instrument?: A little piano and any saxophone.

5. Type of music most listened to?: Didn’t you already ask this?  Punk/Funk Rock.

6. Type never listened to?: I never listen to…..well Country…as little as possible at least.  There are a few songs I enjoy.

7. Favorite TV show: I love Scrubbs, Whose Line is it Anyway, The Family Guy, The Simpsons, lots of stuff really.

8. Favorite books?: Anything Terry Pratchett, I also liked ‘The Sound and the Fury’ a great deal.  Oh, also anything Poe.

9. Favorite color?: Red

10. Favorite Movie?: Heat?  Three Amigos?  From what genre should I pick.  There are just too many.


A Poem:  (I thought I’d make this entry maybe a little more worthwhile)

I wonder when their eyes are on me,

Do they dream or dote or dabble?

Do they feel some sort of sensual bliss,

In imagining worlds with me inside?

And no, I do not expect it.

And no, I do not believe it true.

And no, I do not wish for this in whole,

All I do, and all I think,

Is how wonderful it would be,

How soul immersing to know,

That when they glance at me,

When they stare or smile,

They dote and dream and dabble,

And imagine worlds with me inside.

For in truth, the greatest thing,

Would be to be to someone,

A thing that is worth being.


Have a good day to all of you who care to read this.

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What do they tend to be like?: My friends? Very random people that I engage more often then they engage me. The kind of people who don’t seek me out, except for a good few. I don’t really have all that many people I think are good friends. They’re mine, but I’m not their’s sort of thing. 4. How many people do you tell everything to?: Nobody. I tell a lot of things to people, but not everythin

g. I’m afraid to….I don’t believe anyone either cares or would really benefit from listening. That sounds like I wrote that.I feel that way.I’m sorry you do as well because it sucks.I know I’m not a good friend…probably not even your friend anymore.My fault…can’t change the past but maybe I can try to change the future?Things are questionable right now in my life.I think about you though


#1 Johnny Depp…yum #2 You need a new winter jacket (the big moldy marshmellow is so yesterday!) #3 You forgot to mention how much you like wearing womans boats…sheesh! #4 I better be one of the people in the “good few” :o) see ya!

October 7, 2003

damn the man! Yup, cars suck. . . hard core! I’m stealing your survey Oh yeah, and the whole quiz thingy, hey, at least i included you on the quiz!! I’s just kidding. . . but i really don’t have an urge to see you naked, but if i do, i’ll let you know! 😀 luv ya Nik

October 7, 2003

hehehe, yer funny! know ya gotta wear your wranglers ridin horse. . . 😉 luv ya Nik

October 7, 2003

Hey, just wonderin what you were gunna be doin this weekend, if yer bored and wanna hang out, i’ll prably be around, not sure, let me know if ya wanna git together. see ya later. Luv ya ~Nik

Brad, you’re a sexy piece of man. I would have picked Johnny Depp too. When are you coming back up to the hellhole known as Chetek? We could see a movie or something. Have you seen Underworld?

October 8, 2003

I think I’m gunna go home this weekend and ride horse, i miss my horses! I’ll prably be back sunday, call my cell, I’ll see if maybe we can hang out, *if i get back in time* Luv ya Nik

your note made me cry

RYN: Thank you so much for your comments. I think im more partial to my shorter poems as well 🙂 But really I don’t even deserve your praise! very much flattered, thanks again!