A Night Free of Studying

Thank God, I got most of my stuff done today, so I have a night that is basically free of studying or such.  I don’t really have much to write about right now, because I’m going to instead veg out, but I thought I’d load this entry with a ton of Sonnets that I wrote recently….mostly inspired by reading Shakespeare’s sonnets, though mine are anything but.

So much beauty contained within my small sphere,

That it o’erwhelms all my nature’s sense,

It’s constancy is such that it negates all fear,

For all that breathes in loveliness my soul doth cleanse.

One in two who many call an eater of man,

She doth swallow more than flesh and bone,

Pride, joy, and hope are on her dessert pan,

And yet we all bow before her man-made throne,

Another in blonde smiles my way,

One more who speaks quietly and with grace,

Another infatuation I knew from other days,

And the last, the forlorn obsessed, I cannot seem to shake her face,

Will any of these dears e’er be mine?

Or will these suns set so I must wait for new to shine?



Temptress within but my mind!

For obsession with your beauty paints you so,

Your strong unknowing eyes where e’er I look, I find,

Your delicate nature like to your figure, there where e’er I go.

Some do warn me of the bladed fall

That doth await the climb of rose and dew,

Still I heedless climb cross your mountains tall,

Though my dreamer’s trespass you are heedless, too.

And thus, despite my allies immortal echoes,

Which bid me turn back despite these hallucinated heights,

I know too well that the blades but cut with woe,

And whence days of you do pass then from my sight,

My passion shall fickly fade, I’ll mourn then move,

And thus I travel to another’s heart, my luck, your love, only to improve.



Hold your heart in this hate

And watch the life boil away,

No need have I for your fortress gate,

Thy brick walls made of folly’s bile cannot my sword stay,

My mighty tongue of brimstone will

With haste and rage sever life from limb.

Justice demands that each ill meet ill

To repay the funeral fires set by him.

Yet this death is but in part,

My breath does not yet cease to come.

Nought but a fragment of my screaming heart

Hath met its end and now is done.

So I shall lift my blade, scream, and assail

This foolish world, and not cease til doth my wail.




I have for long looked with wanton eye

On loves and life, questioning only my own soul,

And I have found time and again, truthes and lies,

Words that oft speak yes, actions that oft say no.

In paradox I’ve breathed and burned,

And doubt beset my heart’s fortress.

Soldiers of selfish intentions, long since spurned,

Now mount the stubborn walls and I regress.

These strange captors show me things,

A world of pride and solemn strength,

A world where such stolid personalities often bring

Times of peaceful prosperity of great lengths.

I have fought hard, but life’s rhetoric makes me yield,

New world come forth, new life be my shield.


That’s all for now….Have a nice evening everybody!

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You’re Welcome.

September 30, 2003

🙂 Glad to hear you don’t have to study, i do, oh wait, what am i doing online? oh yeah, procrasinating, I forgot! oops 🙂 Luv ya Nik

October 2, 2003

thanks for the visit. I just privitized about 400 entries so am sure my diary looks different at the moment than it usually does.

Hey Brad guess what!!! I’m gonna be in the cities this weekend and since you guys are closer to the cities than Alex Nicki said I could stay at her dorm. I’m comin’ sometime on Saturday. Sunday I have my thing in the cities from 2-6 and then I’ll be goin’ home Monday morning. I don’t have class monday but I do have work at 1. Hope to see ya!!!!