Thank God For Cute Girls

So yeah. While the whole Claire thing has really kind of fizzled out. (I still like her, but her obsession with her ex-boyfriend is so completely insane that it actually scares me. And I’m crazy.) But that would normally get me down if it wasn’t for the wonderful and awesome power of lots of cute freshmen girls. Ohhhhh yeah. There are also an array of sophomore, junior, and senior cute girls, but by and large they must be freshmen, because I have never seen them before.

So where did they all come from? Did God suddenly sneeze pretty all over River Falls? Oh who knows who knows, but it is quite nice….especially to look at.

My problem is they’re all strangers. How do I deal with this conundrum? It’s a very difficult thing walking up to a stranger and asking them if they’d like to go see a movie because I think they’re hot. Especially when the feeling is most likely not reciprocated. So I’ve come to a conclusion. I’m going to try and casually bump into them, apologize, and when they look down later on, or in their pocket, or their backpack, they will find my number cleverly slipped in with sneakiness and zeal. Then they could call me! Or they wouldn’t. And that seems to work out great for me. No embarrasment.

Yes, I know it sounds like I’m trying to live an after-school teenager sitcom, but they get relatively attractive women all the time, and by the end, they can screw around and still get forgiven because they always learn their lesson…..and every single day is another moment closer to complete self-awareness. What an amazing possibility!!

So, if you have any other interesting ways I could conveniently go about hitting on women, if there are some women out there who would like to be hit upon, or if there are just some women out there who know they love me and just forgot until they read my wisdom, please feel free to note, call, stalk, or even just show up at my door.

Don’t write letters. I don’t like to read…;)

Anyhoo, on other subjects, I got the part I wanted in the Halloween One Acts, yippee skippee. I cast my own and it will be a bit of a complicated one, but I guarantee it will be the best of them….at least in ensemble…..I think. Meyer’s might be excellent too. I got a great part in Dicken’s Christmas Carol, though I’m going to have to work that one to be made funny. And Cabaret rehearsals are going.

I feel vindicated listening to Mike’s awful voice, as I now know that without a doubt, I’m far superior to him and would have done a far better job with the part of the Emcee. The fact that I’m not the Emcee no longer bothers me, as I can’t control it, and I’ve gotten a good new outlook on life thanks to a bit of thinking and some deep soul-searching. Also an ego-boost. That helped too.

Anyway, gotta go. We’re having this theatre conference today and I’m supposed to be doing something responsible, but instead, I’m here. But I had to, I had to post and send an email to one of my professors. Anyhoo…tata!

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September 29, 2003

Yay for ego-boosts! check your email. -david

Love the new look…don’t have much advice regarding females and I am one!

You have some attractive girl friends right? Ask them if they’ll help you with. Just a thought.

October 4, 2003

speaking of females, brad, your new background has a distinctly vulvic look to it. that could be my penis talking, but i doubt it.