Ups and Downs

Hi everybody.

So firstly, Shakespeare is going well.

Secondly, Claire is coming to see the show and we’re going to have a party on Saturday night and it’s going to rock the walls.

Thirdly, I did not get the MC. Why? Because Meg is a douche-nozzle(shout out to Ken for giving me that word). She believes that I can’t do serious acting and wants to challenge me. Fucking a. I can do serious roles easily and have done quite a few of them and I really wanted to sing and dance, which this character does neither. He sings one half of a song that is sung by the entire cast, so yippee-fucking-yay.

The part I did get is a good one, but not a great one and one that won’t challenge me the way Meg thinks it will. But what the fuck, right? I can’t turn down the role because Meg has threatened my grades in the two classes I have with her and also implied that doing so would probably mean I don’t get cast in any more shows here. Fucking douche…fucking douche.

On top of that, let’s add that Mike, who got the role, is a terrible actor. He is just being himself (which is a flamboyant gay which half-fits the role) and he can’t sing nearly as high as the MC has to. Once again, my part is usurped by a talentless gay man and a fucking stupid director. GOD DAMN IT!

Fourthly, however, do not feel down for me. One of my friends I made at SCVST this summer has just recently gotten a call from an ex girlfriend who is working on Sundance films out in California. Awesome bawsome, because she wants to use one of my scripts and she wants both me and my friend to act in the film. FUCKING YEAH MAN!

So who knows, within months I might be flying to California to produce a film that I wrote, directed, and acted in. The dream is reaching perhaps a moment of truth….and then I can just get somebody to shove a pipe up Meg’s ass. We’ll see, now won’t we? Oh man I’m suddenly stoked about this.

There are also a lot of opportunities I’m making for myself this semester that will allow me to act in other better productions, but what the hell, huh?

I’ll post more about things later.

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Ugh…it sounds like you got really ripped off when they did the casting. That sucks. But hey, California? Getting your script brought to life in a film that you can act in, too?! WOW!! I hope things can work out with that.

RYN: i know you’re not… but that note totally made my day a lot happier! 😀 good luck on cali! hope it works out!! d.

meg sounds like a bitch…if u think it will help i’d go to a dean about those threats..glad all else is going well..congrats with the film…on a seperate note..i’ve been reading a book that is set up almost round table like midight, only i think we had a better thing going, and ive been talkin to ash about trying to get everyone together to finish it so we can try to get it published, but

i only have my parts printed off, and she had hers dowloaded but her comp crashed..and so we wondered if you happened by chance to ever download it??? Either way, me her and mike are for the idea of starting over with the same basic plot, and the events we remember and if you are too, then note me back and we’ll try to get this rolling..and this has to work:)

Great job on Shakespeare! It was friggen halari-ass! Hey, at least you don’t have to make out w/ a guy in the play. . . unless you really want to, and if that’s the case, then have at ‘er I guess *makes disgusting face* Hope to see ya around, I’m rm 108 hthrn. luv ya Nik