Party Time

Well, ladies and gentlemen, no one can tell you how excited I am for the next week to roll around and thus begin yet another college year for me!

Finally I have become an upper-classmen, I have an apartment now and legal-aged buyers for my nicely priced wares….I have the moolah to dole out some good times and I certainly am I going to teach these incoming freshmen what a good time is. WOOHOO!

We have Shakespeare which goes up next week and I am absolutely stoked about that baby….we even had to add a matinee for interested schools because we got enough demand to sell it out. So that rocks the house. Scot still sucks of course, and he’s becoming a bigger baby everytime we do the show, but well, that’s Scot and I’ll have to work with him because people believe he’s a good actor. He’s not, he’s just articulate.

Then we have Cabaret auditions which actually come before Shakespeare goes up, but who knows when Meg will make her decision. I’ve been ready and gunning for the MC spot for some time now, I just hope there aren’t any loopholes I’ve missed, because otherwise I’ve almost sealed the deal.

I actually found an African-American actor to play the role in my one-act, which excites me very very very very much! The show will be awesome if I can work it out properly……and it will be the debut of one of my writing projects! WOOHOO!

Also, I’ve got my one-act for dessert theatre picked out so that I can get working on that one to get approved by the community theatre. Also, we’re doing several fundraisers around here which would help put on more shows and one of them is a one-act series in which I’d like to act and direct….so that excites me, too.

Than of course I have classes, but eh…they’ll be fine and I’ll blow em out of the water no problem. I’m really looking forward to seeing everybody again this year and getting the ball rolling for another blockbuster of a year.

As for Claire, last night we went up to the top of Hoffman Park and looked out at the stars and the lights of the city and talked. I was going to tell her everything….but she really didn’t make that easy for me when she started going on about swearing off men. Grreeeeaaat.

I’ll have to wait now until she comes up for Shakespeare. I want to tell her so bad, but I really don’t want to scare her off. I like her too much to do that.

Gotta go to tech for Shakespeare and then I have to go get money and go home for a couple of days to get the last of my things and do some quick home stuff to seal the deal there. ADIOS amigos!

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*thumbs up* Shakespeare I hope thats how you spell that yeah.

🙂 d.

I’ll admit, Vanilla isn’t as good as ‘Abre Los Ojos’, which I have seen… but I thought it was still good none the less. I can think of worse movies people could remake. Later,

glad you’re so excited about another year. I wish i could get an dorms are ok, but i leave my door open and only have had a few ppl talk to me since ive been here..i’ll probably meet more ppl going out and doing my own with theater..i think ill stick to backstage we’ll see how it goes..i would really rather find a studio would be great.. for the plays and your productions, just don’t lose hope and everything will turn out ok. As per my high school drama group, this is to extend a wish, not to imply that you will::: DON’T SUCK!! 🙂
