Money Money Money

It’s funny, but my parents have always had money and never had a problem providing for us. And at the same time, I’ve never felt as rich and happy as I do right now.

There of course is the obvious difference which is exactly what makes this feeling so much sweeter…and that is the freedom that I have.

My parents need itemized lists as well as intentions and motives for everything you want money to spend on. Which means you can’t just act on a whim and buy a box of Russell Stover’s creams for six bucks…(and let me tell you they taste awesome right now.)

The fact is that I have really always been a low maintenance guy. All I need is money for living in a house, paying for food, and going to see movies. That’s not a huge list of expenses…and yet I see these people going through their lives spending thousands of dollars a month. Then again, my parents have paid off my car and pay for its insurance and my room and board right now is free….so really that does knock down the amount I spend.

At the same time, however….I get paid 1500 dollars for this job and I already was paid 700 bucks just a couple weeks ago…I have about 500 dollars left, the 200 spent on DVDs, PS2 games, and various other things. I just got a 100 check for no apparent reason, though, so that boosts me up to 600 again.

At the same time, however, Joe here has spent his entire paycheck within two weeks. How the hell do you do that? Yikes.


I feel so free. I walk into a store and I go: “Hey, that’s a great movie, I should buy it…and I DO! And that is awesome. It’s a wonderful feeling to be able to do whatever you want. No more rules. No more restrictions. That was my parents real problem. They destroyed all the joy of having things by ruining the point. My parents thing the point of having something is to have it. But that’s not true. The point of a toy is to play with it…the point of a video game is to play with it….the point of food is to eat it….the point of a movie to watch it…..the point of buying anything is to use it….and to use it when you buy it. My parents constantly forced us to wait to open our toys, told us not to eat the food we bought for several days. And that is just absolutely stupid.

Their logic was that when you ate something you’ve been waiting for, you enjoy it more. But you don’t. You eat it faster and blindly. You’ve been staring at it for days, so you just wolf it down and then you realize that you aren’t satisifed at all.

The far better thing to do is to buy something and eat some of it. Then when you get tired, put it away until you want it again. Pure hedonism I know, and most religions preach the opposite, but that’s why the world has gotten so fucked up.

People sit around squelching their desires and doing things they don’t want to do because they are told to and then whenever they get the chance to do what they love, they miss the chance of loving it because they’re in such a rush to do it before someone tells them they can’t again. What a stupid world we live in.

Iris is a fucking idiot. I hate her guts. I want to clock her in the face so hard that my hand comes out the other end of her empty skull. You may gasp at those sentences, but I just said what I really felt and didn’t bottle it up, and it feels GOOD. The fact of the matter is that Iris is a douche bag and she thinks that humans are logical and that logical people aren’t crazy. But she’s wrong.

The more logical you are, the crazier you are. The reason people are crazy is because they follow a logical pattern of action. Here is a person I don’t like. How do I get rid of a person I don’t like? I can try and annoy them so they leave. But they don’t. So then I tell them to leave me alone….but they’ll still run into me and most are too fucking stupid to leave you alone. They’d rather keep pestering you. So kill them. That is what a logical person would say. But humanity isn’t logical. They say….no…killing is bad…..killing is a terrible inhuman thing. They obey stigma, tradition, and the rules set forth by people afraid that the stupid might just catch on and lynch them because they aren’t that much brighter than them.

Iris also believes she’s great at everything. When she’s terrible at most everything. She thinks that burning a wound to seal it up when it is bleeding will cause infection. Untrue. She believes that the best way to win at ultimate frisbee is to run blindly and constantly rush the opponent. She sucks at Ultimate and hurts herself and others because of it. She thinks she knows how to dance. This woman is 200 or so pounds of chaos on the stage…which is why she is a stage manager. She thinks so fucking highly of herself…..when she’s really just a self-impressed idiot.

Sorry for venting, but it feels really good and it’s what I want to do. That’s how I live my life now. I live the way I want and encourage others to do so as well. Which brings me to the justification for why I haven’t put my fist through Iris’s head or Tyler’s (he’s this femme dancer who thinks he knows everything and doesn’t show up to practices and slows the rest of us down.)….I don’t want to go to jail. So my nature says, I want to live a happy life…I want to kill Iris……but I can more easily avoid Iris then I can kill Iris and live a happy life.

Setting priorities is good. But too many people mistake setting priorities with sacrificing desires.

And that is my lesson and ranting for today. How are you all? I was going to be in the last show at the Red Barn…but it’s a no go.

Ta ta…have to have dinner and get ready for practice. More movie reviews coming soon.

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I love what you wrote about Iris…it’s so true. Hope you’re having fun with the show. I guess I’ll talk to you later.


Being an old rogue is probably the coolest character that I can think of. Thanks Brad. Joe is a common name are you talking about me or another Joe? If it’s me, I’ll try to justify my spending, if not, I don’t really care. I may not agree with everything thing that you say, but you stick to your guns Brad and don’t hold back, and that’s pretty admirable.

Thank you very much for the note, Brad. I really appreciate it.