Enid Izar’s Survey


Name: Brad Jennings

Birth date: July 31st, 1983

Birthplace: Barron, WI

Current Location: River Falls, WI

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Height: 6’1″

Righty or Lefty: Righty

Zodiac Sign: Leo


Your heritage: British, Polish, Irish, Swedish, Danish, and Hungarian Gypsy

The shoes you wore today: Dressy boot/shoes

Your weakness: Getting shot, stabbed, falling great heights, not exactly unusual weaknesses….

Your fears: Getting shot, stabbed, falling great heights, I guess you should have seen that one coming.

Your perfect pizza: Pepperoni and black olives

Goal you’d like to achieve: Become a famous actor/director/writer


Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don’t use it…so there.

Your thoughts first waking up: Huh? Gwah? WHat the hell?

Your bedtime: 12:00 to 1:00

Your most missed memory: Spending time with my old friends….


Pepsi or Coke: Coke

McDonald’s or Burger King: Burger King

Single or group dates: Single

Adidas or Nike: Adidas

Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither

Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate

Cappuccino or coffee: Neither


Smoke: For a part, yes.

Cuss: Yes

Sing: Lots and lots

Take a shower everyday: Yes

Have a crush: A couple…

Do you think you’ve been in love: Yes

Want to go to college: I’m in college right now

Like(d) high school: It was awful

Want to get married: In time.

Believe in yourself: Usually

Get motion sickness: Never

Think you’re attractive: Yes

Think you’re a health freak: No

Get along with your parent(s): No

Like thunderstorms: YES

Play an instrument: Saxophone


In the past month…

Drank alcohol: Yes

Smoked: No

Done a drug: No

Had Sex: Not in the last month I don’t think

Made Out: I don’t even think I’ve made out, oh, except for in a play.

Gone on a date: nope

Gone to the mall: Nope.

Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Ironically…yes.

Eaten sushi: Disgusting.

Been on stage: Yes…I never leave

Been dumped: No

Gone skating: Actually, rollerblading

Made homemade cookies: I don’t cook that much

Gone skinny dipping: Not many lakes round here to do that

Dyed your hair: Unfortunately no, though I wish I could dye my hair blonde.

Stolen anything: Yes, but it wasn’t really stealing.



Played a game that required removal of clothing: Many times.

If so, was it mixed company: Of course.

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: *Hiccup*

Been caught “doing something”: Not been caught…wink wink

Been called a tease: Nope…called a few people teases.

Gotten beaten up: Not yet…

Shoplifted: Never shoplifted.

Changed who you were to fit in: I would never do that.


Age you hope to be married: Whenever I feel like it.

Numbers and Names of Children: 3 would be nice. Two girls and a guy. Alexander, Samantha, Valerie…something like that……who knows

Describe your Dream Wedding: Whatever my wife wants.

How do you want to die: I don’t really want to. Nice trick question.

Where you want to go to college: What are we, cave-men? Where you want to go…grunt grunt.

What do you want to be when you grow up: Actor/Director/Writer

What country would you most like to visit: Spain


In a girl…

Best eye color? I don’t care what color

Best hair color? Ditto for this one

Short or long hair: Any length, as long as not bald or basically looking like cousin It.

Height: Don’t really care.

Best weight: Don’t care

Best articles of clothing: Bra’s and panties…oh all clothing is good as long as it’s sexy in a way I like it.

Best first date location: Theatre, a diner, under the stars, a beach, a cruise…who knows…..

Best first kiss location: Anywhere where it fits in.


# of drugs taken illegally: Kilos or what do you mean?

# of people I could trust with my life: 1..myself.

# of CDs that I own: I don’t know….about 100 or so.

# of piercings: none

# of tattoos: None

# of scars on my body: 1

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I like the end questions that are just numbers. They’re quick and easy. Thanks for the note! I know I’ll really like it in Alexandria but it’ll take alot of getting use to. Mostly I just wish I could come back to visit more, but since it is so far away I don’t think I’ll be back much. Thanks again! Oh…are you going to be coming back to Chetek at all this summer? Just won

it cut my wondering off! grrr…. anyway…….I was just wondering cuz I would really like to do something before I go. It’ll be kinda weird but I don’t think either of us are really normal. :o) Bye!!!

I’m sorry about the movie Brad. I’d explain but when it comes down to it, I let you and Greg down. Sorry

The end of August is a no go. My classes start August 25th so after that I’m there to stay. I’ll be home for sure August forth until the ninth or so. Maybe longer..it depends on how loud my mom yells about me not being here to help her clean. Hopefully when my sister gets back from London she can convince her to let me get settled into my apartment. anyway! I’ll won’t bore you anymore. Sorry:o)

On the forth I should be coming home from Alexandria so That night would work for a movie or something. I don’t know what time I will be back. Ahhhh! My mom is talking and she never shuts up. bitch bitch bitch bitch….that’s all she ever does! grrrr…..

GUESS WHO!?!?!?…omg i havent talked to you in alooong time! its Juliet by the way…i have a new diary btw on livejournal.com….my user name is shennin if you wanna look me up…i dont use my FOD much n e more! MISS YA! XOXOXO

Thanx! I try :o)

I miss you