Ah. A Survey to Christen the New Servers.

1. First grade teacher: Mrs. Michaelson

2. Last thing you said: “I’m waiting for a call”

3. Last song you sang: Everywhere by Michelle Branch.

4. Last person you hugged: My mom?

5. Last thing you laughed at: The show “State Fair” It’s pretty funny.

6. Last time you said ‘I love you’: To my parents, but I only meant it to my mom.

7. Last time you cried: Partially cried while listening to a song for State Fair….

8. What’s in your CD player: Daredevil Soundtrack

9. What color of socks are you wearing: White.

10. What’s under your bed: My laptop case.

11. What time did you wake up today: 8:00

12. Current taste: Dr. Pepper

13. Current hair: Really short and spiky

14. Current clothes: A green short-sleeve button down and khakis.

15. Current annoyance: How unappreciated I am here at St. Croix. I mean, I really have shitty parts and can act circles around most of these actors. Especially the ones who just are the same in every role.

16. Current longing: To have sex and love and passion…

18. Current worry: Not really worried about anything surprisingly.

19. Current hate: These people don’t get my humor! MY GOD!

20. Story behind your domain: Luther Kincaid is my idolized hero’s name and the name of my favorite character from Legacy, the greatest anthology that shall ever be written….by me of course! Haven’t gotten around to writing his stuff yet.

21. Current favorite article of clothing: You Have Permission to Fantasize About Me T-Shirt.

22. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: Eyes or hair….

22. Favorite physical feature of the same sex: body.

23. Last CD that you bought: Bought? Wow. Don’t really remember the last CD I bought….oh wait, the Spiderman Soundtrack…but that was an accident…I forgot to cancel my monthly BMG order.

24. Favorite place to be: In my mind.

25. Least favorite place: Somewhere really really hot. And Hell.

26. Time you wake up in the morning: 8:00

27. If you could play an instrument: I play the saxophone, but I’d love to play the piano.

28. Favorite color: Red or Black.

29. Do you believe in an afterlife: I guess…..it’s more that I hope for one….belief is really hard for any logical person…..

30. How tall are you: 6’0″

31. Current favorite word/saying: Sexy…kind of.

32. Current book: Thief of Time

33. Favorite season: Winter

34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Haley maybe….

35. Where do you want to go: Hollywood

36. What is your career going to be like: A great success with brilliant lights shining everywhere and people who love me and shout my name and tons of awards and stuff…who the hell knows?

37. What kind of car will you have: Many…hopefully a Saleen.

38. Type a line you remember from any book: “Ahgragah is dat feelin when yur standing on da rocky mountains and ya feel a pebble hit yer head and den more and more and ya look up and da rocks are falling and den you’re buried. Ahgragah is dat feeling right before da big rocks hit yah…cuz dat’s what we trolls say after we get hit.”–Terry Pratchett: Jingo

39. A random lyric: Baby, I want something else, to get me through semi-charmed kind of life.

40. Identify some things surrounding your computer: Speakers, a clock, a telephone, a movie stub, a cell phone, a salt shaker, a power strip…a battery….and that’s all there is.

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great survey

You crack me up sometimes Brad…I want to see a pic of you, you need to post one! I liked the survey 😀 ~*Betsy*~