
I’ve decided…more selfishly than for any other reason….to begin a new series….a kind of cathartic series quite reminscent of my last entry at least in theme.

I’m going to write a short sonnet for every girl that I’ve ever admired along with a piece of prose discussing the ‘then’ which was when I admired them, and the ‘now’…some of them will of course only have one paragraph. It will completely and unabashedly truthful and I guess I’ll leave the names out…or should I put them in? What do you think?

Of course there are some who read this diary who will be included….but oh well….I’m going to do it anyway…simply because it will not only be good material to one day make into a memoir book…;)…but also because the only way I will ever understand or make others understand is by telling them…and as good as I am at talking…this is something I can only do with black-on-white.

Sometimes people say I’m a coward…sometimes I think I am. I’m wrong. There are just things that each man can and cannot do well. I cannot confess emotions properly wtihout paper…without writing…..without letting my creative juices flow onto a page….without the page I can never really express what I feel and that’s why I’ll probably never give that damn good romantic speech…(not at least without reading it and that ruins the mood)

Enough on that…the first entry commences later today.

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You should use the names if it fits the text. Who cares what other people want it’s your liturature and your feelings. give’r

“without the page I can never really express what I feel” God, that sounds like me so much.It is so true of me.I need to tell my sister I’m moving but I can’t tell her to her face.I have to write it in a letter.I feel like an ass doing it, I feel torn enough as it is.I just can’t talk about my feelings(just ask Martin), I have to have it prodded out of me and it takes a damn long time.Maybe tha

t’s why I have so many diaries.I’m sorry I’m talking about myself so much.I’m sorry I’m not here for you Brad.I love you, just wanted you to know.You’re one of my great friends and I never talk to you.I’m a mess.

It’s your diary; you have every right to be honest.

I’d have to say that it’s a pretty brave to write these sonnets. I probably couldn’t do it, but that would be partially because I don’t have to much skill in that department. I’m looking forward to them.