Hoozah! Hoowah! And other Pacino phrases.

Well, woohoo and whoop-de-diddly da!!

So I’ve been hard at work writing screenplays and regular plays and been getting really far. I’ve been in an exceptionally motivated mood especially due to all the acting opportunities that I’ve been allowed to audition for and all the things that I’ve been allowed to be in!

One may think me crazy, but I’m now:

1)Directing my show and it’s a lot of hard work getting these guys to remember their blocking when they don’t write it down, so I’m pushing and pushing and hopefully it will get better and better overtime.

2)The Devil in Dave’s show. It’s a great evil part, with a bit of good humor. What’s interesting about Dave’s show is that all three of the characters in it are the main characters and basically share the spotlight. I’ll like this show a lot methinks.

3)Bernie, David, Gould, and possibly Bobby/Danny in Brad Meyer’s show. It’s a compilation of a bunch of Mamet’s plays which is really awesome, since he’s such a brilliant writer and so……unique in his style. It’s also very vulgar and I get to be incredibly vulgar and licentious, a trait I’m not really known for!!

4)Creon in Cordell’s spoof of Oedipus. I get to be like the very wise advisor and he’s really funny in the kind of straight-man part against these crazy parts. It will also be a nice change since usually I play the eccentric, it will be nice to play the stiff….;)

5)Something in Emily’s play. I’m not sure what. She still has to get back to me on that. We’ll see what it is soon enough.

6)Henry in ‘The Birthday Present,’ the final show here on campus. He’s a mad scientist who goes through all sorts of wierd emotions. In each scene he’s almost a different person. The first one he’s a depressed cry-baby. The second a serious and somewhat mad-man. The third a drunk and jovial fellow. And the final, an angry and ultimately dead…..man. It’s a great part, too. I’m rolling in the parts!! WOOHOO!

7)Though I don’t have the script yet I’m going to do Shakespeare Unnabridged sometime after school lets out, so that will be really awesome. It’s a 2 hour show with three guys playing ALL the roles in every single Shakespeare play and all his sonnets….so someone’s going to have to be the women…..knowing that…it will probably be me.

8)Then I’ve got classes…which are going fine. We’re writing and performing a performance piece for a student conference in that class….so that’s another thing locked into my schedule. Yippee.

9)Saturday we have auditions for St. Croix Summer Valley Theatre and I hope to get a core spot and have been working hard on an audition song for the musical. Hopefully I’ll wow the socks off em and I’ll get that part. It would help me cushion the blow when I bitch out my parents about not telling me whether I can have this apartment I want for next year.

Ok. So that’s about all I’ve got for right now. I’ll write something later….maybe a poem…maybe a song…just too busy…:) Talk to you all later!!

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March 28, 2003

busy guy! anyway, just wanted to drop a line and say thanks for making a sick girl smile today. 🙂 i especially like the title of this entry.

March 28, 2003

RYN: that would be me, sarah, AKA “sickie”. horrible, dastardly cold. 😉 anyway, of course you have the same permission! stop in anytime.

Wow, that’s a lot to have on your plate! Good luck with everything. I hope it all goes well for you.

Dang, you ARE crazy? How do you manage to do ALL that and still have time to write in here? Sheesh, you must be some superpowered dude 😛 ~*Betsy*~

i thought i was busy NOT you go hottie. have fun and e-mail me sometime. tearteartoo31@lycos.com and i am glad you are having sucess