Pleasant Dreams

This is the second song from my musical…or at least, I think this will work out fine in it.

Pleasant dreams….

Mm…pleasant dreams….

Nothing like what it seems…

Are my pleasant dreams….

My pleasant dreams….

Long ago I fell asleep,

And in I feel deeper, deeper, deep,

Never to throw the blankets aside,

Just lay there as if I’d all but died,

With a smile ten feet-twenty wide,

Stuck a million miles deep inside

My head where I could sit and hide…..

That’s what happened when I fell asleep,

Drowning deeper, deeper, deep…..

It was here where I still remain,

In the world that’s in my brain….

A place of fantasy, magic, more,

Hidden beyond my mind’s eye’s door,

Forgotten all those youthful years before,

When I grew busy doing things I did abhor,

Now they’re back like some forgotten lore….

It is here where I shall remain,

In the forgotten world within my brain…..

Pleasant dreams….

Mm…pleasant dreams…

Made of mystic moonlight beams,

Here in my pleasant dreams…

My pleasant dreams….

Funny the way the world sometimes works,

Filled with all its oddities and quirks,

All my youthful desires set free,

So I could be someone I didn’t want to be,

Nothing like the person I thought was me,

Toil and tire and misery,

Replacing life’s goal of revery,

We give up what we want to work,

Such a funny, silly, odd little quirk.

And these dreams seem so unreal,

Because there is a truth to all I feel,

As if this is really where I am,

Standing in the middle of a misty land,

That wasn’t made by God’s hand,

But rather made by the mind of man,

That couldn’t be where I stand…..

No it couldn’t possibly be really real,

Though there is a truth in all that I feel…

It’s all just a simple,

Strawberry cupid with a dimple….

Pleasant dreams….

Mm…pleasant dreams…

Fancifully frilled at the seams,

Are my pleasant dreams…

My pleasant dreams…

I dream of you….

It can’t be true…….

All those things I do

Are nothing more than

Pleasant dreams….

Mm…pleasant dreams…

Sparkling gold as they gleam,

Those are my pleasant dreams…

My pleasant dreams….

Soft and subtle, silky sheens

Of perfect, powdered, pleasant dreams….

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I like it 🙂

it is very nice those words go good together. what is the tune to the music like. i think it will go over great

I bet that will be a great musical! Hey, I’m in “Patent Leather Shoes” at the Barn this summer. It would be cool if it worked out for you to do that show, too.