
Sheesh, so this is going to be an entry about a plethora of things….a bit of a rant, a movie review, another rant, and an update on life in general.

Rant #1:

Okay, does anyone know what PETA is? They’re the guys against eating animals….yeah. Well go to there website, it’s insane. I found this out last night, but there new campaign to stop the slaughtering of animals for food is that they’re comparing it to the Holocaust! JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH! They have a picture of Jews in a concentration camp next to a bunch of caged turkeys…can you believe how tasteless and stupid that is? I can’t believe they would sink that low and be that crude. People like that disgust me.

Movie Review: Old School

Dear lord was this movie absolutely hilarious! Luke Wilson was just the straight guy, which is unfortunate since he usually can be a very funny guy in a quiet sort of way. Anyway, Will Ferrell carries the show for most of it, being absolutely funny through the entire movie. He’s really just such a zany guy, I love him in every movie he does. Vince Vaughn starts out being really hilarious and he is through the rest of the money, though he kind of takes a backseat to Luke and Will for most of it, which is a bit sad. The movie itself is absolutely great….go see it…I usually don’t laugh too hard, but this movie made me just about die.

Rant #2:

So yeah, last night we went out for a cast party and I realized just how stupid actors are. Six actors split a pizza that cost $20. They each had a 2 dollar drink, except me, I had two of em. Then I gave them a twenty to pay for my stuff and I got five dollars back. And they had just enough to pay for the meal and tip. Ummm…..what the hell?!! I lost a good eight bucks there and somebody made out like a bandit…sheesh. Anyway, enough of that.


Moon Over Buffalo, God’s Favorite, Cabaret, St. Croix Summer Valley, Red Barn, The Birthday Present, and Shakespeare Abridged are my current slated plays that shall take the rest of my life….oh wait, I forgot Hidden in This Picture and Saturday Night at the Halfway House. Eh! I’m havin’ a blast, just wish I could say the same about my love-life. Told Lindsey that I liked her and haven’t heard from her since…yeah…so.

Gotta go eat and watch the movie Chicago.

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Earmuffs…..cock, ass. That was a good movie. You’re doing hidden in this picture again? Cool

PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. A bunch of tree hugging dorks who like to destroy fur coats, with spray, paint at fashion shows. The animal is already dead and for some time, why ruin it with spray paint and make it’s death in vain? Some people… Sorry about your loss of $8…so sad. 🙁

Yeah, I think PETA sounds like a great organization, but I’ve seen several ads by them that are tasteless and offensive. Maybe they’re going for shock value to try to make a lasting impression on people, but I don’t like it. The Holocaust ad isn’t the first one that’s made me think, “What the hell?!”

I’m sorry about Lindsey, Brad. Which Red Barn plays do you think you’ll be doing this summer?

wow, you sound busy…PETA’s morals started out good, and i see their point, but they are getting WAY too pushy and just plain tacky ~*Betsy*~