Bittersweet Valentines

Well, three days of shit and I’m still waiting for it to let up. I’ve been having a rough time dealing with people lately as my roommate and his girlfriend are not on good terms right now. (She kissed another guy when she was drunk and now he’s milking it far too much. The girl’s a wreck. Forgive and forget damn it.) One of my group members in Sophomore Seminar doesn’t show up and another is an egotistical, whiny bitch.

I’ve also just been getting shafted with chances to talk to Lindsey. I scheduled a time and then she backed out because she was going to a wedding and damn it I couldn’t wait, so I gave her the Valentine’s gift I had for her today along with a poem and a letter. (I didn’t get to see her because once again she was off doing something.) There’s nothing more I could do and I don’t feel as bad about it. I wanted to tell her in person, because letters and phone calls suck…but sometimes that’s the only way to get through to people.

I’m dog-tired from play rehearsal for Hamlet and Words, Words, Words along with working on my Directing debut and pitching a full-length core show for next year hear at UW-RF. Not only that, but I’m right now a very active member of APO and the Masquers organization plus I study for my other classes and keep myself writing constantly.

Add to that the fact I’m home right now preparing for auditions tomorrow for Summer Theatre here and auditions in March for the Summer Theatre in RF and you’ve got a loaded schedule. Oh, I forgot to mention I’m also auditioning for “Moon Over Buffalo” at the Phipps, writing a screenplay and another One Act besides the two I have finished(of each) and trying to maintain some sort of remnant of a social life. I had to miss the Valentine’s Party at Renee’s because I’m home, though it was all right, my parents got me a little something…which was an actual total surprise. (A new wallet, some candy bars, and welcome cash.)

We’re going to go see Shanghai Knights my Dad and I, tonight. And hopefully I’ll get to see Daredevil tomorrow at least once here before I go back and see it a gazillion times at the two dollar River Falls theatre.

Other than that, there isn’t much to say. Jen, if you read this, I’m sorry that I didn’t call you while I was home but the page was down up until late and so there was no time. We’ll get together another time then.

Ahhhh… gut hurts from a fine dinner and my head is swimming from the amount of work I have yet to do this weekend. Criminy it’s fun though. I’m living a life that I love…though if Lindsey’s not in it it will be considerably less lovely like. the alliteration?

Log in to write a note

yes the alliteration was great =D Lol, I tried to think of my own, but I’m brain dead at the moment 😛 err…*forgets what she was about to say* ~*Betsy*~

You sound like a very busy boy Brad. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses. Roses doesn’t sound good. Think of something more creative and slap that in there.