Tyre’Negoth: Unheard Urgings (Cont)

Still the hunter, the poet, and the cleric remained to cross the line,

Each took a moment to draw aside their allies and give them words to discourage

Their foolish haste in crossing the self-made line that tested strength.

“Imudus, you have long been strong and served me well,

But now I see the darkness drawing and beasts of evil nature

Do breath and move and froth at mouth for our very flesh,

This is not a place I need your guidance to get me through,

For too costly will it be if I lose the only friend I ever had.”

Elric the hunter’s words did echo in his companion’s head, but to no avail.

“I have no doubt that we shall prevail, but dear Elric, let me say

That you have been mine only friend and to abandon you to bitter end

To die without my hand in yours would be no friendly gesture. I go.”

Elric did not plead another word, he knew too well the resolve

Of his great friend who would follow him to whatever end.

Serat on the other hand, did not yell or beg for the abandonment of ally,

Instead he gave a silent prayer and bid them thus: “God has gifted us.

He has blessed us twice, with the honor of embarking and saving our lives,

Would we but throw this back at him with bitter thought and deed? Oh no.

All three of us shall continue on, I know you two would not abandon me

If was to tell you to, indeed, thus I shall not waste my breath or your time,

But just wished to remind us all of what we owe our great and glorious maker.”

Serat turned back and crossed to the others with his men,

As Elric, too, did follow suit with bow prepared and eyes intent on finding evil.

Yet Phebos and his master did not have so quick a discussion,

For Eric knew too well that he and his fellow poet were nothing like the others,

Both had used the sword but their point was made with pen and ink,

The only rapier they had at hand was wit and that would do very little

Against the beast that had with such little thought crushed their good friend.

“Phebos, I do know so well that you would march by my side

Until Hell flooded over the land and you would beat back the flames

And the demon spawned to save my wretched, lucky hide,

Yet you know as well as I that you cannot fight like these great named

Warriors who even now prepare to draw the blood of demon beasts,

I beg you to flee this land and write of us if we do not return,

And if we do, I shall hold you close and you shall join us at our feast,

Either way, you shall do more than all for you shall help others learn.”

Phebos, young and loyal, nodded and was about to heed the words

That had so eloquently been displayed by his master,

Yet his mind lit upon another fancy and he turned back to Eric,

“Tis true I cannot fight,

So you say that I must write,

Well write I cannot your victory,

Unless I am there to see,

So I shall promise not to hold a blade,

Against any creature for I’d be slain,

Yet still I shall march by your side,

To tell the tale with truth and pride.”

Eric could not argue, his own words turned against his cause,

So he turned back and stepped across the line with Phebos at his side.

Andaras surveyed the group with some dismay, but hope had begun

To burn so bright within his eyes that he quickly donned a smile.

“It seems all of us shall march on into the dark, together,

We shall journey and die and bleed for each other if need be,

And I swear that none shall more than me,

For I will not let so noble and loyal a group,

Be slaughtered as long as I am leader of the troop.”

He turned towards the darkened woods ahead, with steely gaze,

A fire was sweeping through his very soul and he knew,

That death would once again take its toll, but he prayed so softly

That none could hear, that next to go would be he,

For his soul already wept for the two he’d lost lost in revery.

“Come then, Monmoth. Our journey doth push us South.”

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hey we could channel thoughts to eachother! Just take all of your clothes off, sit in a dark room, and roll around in a pool of chicken soup. It’ll work. I PROMISE. :oD

I know what you mean Brad. Life’s a bitch that way.

I was reading a note you left on silent knight’s diary about you being down when everyone else is up and vice versa…You see I’ve figured out why I get like that…when my friends are down they don’t have time to put me down and call me a whore, so slowly my confidence is regained as they try to work through they’re own sh*T, and I begin to feel happy…then they get all sorted and it’s back to

being called a whore…I don’t like my friends very much…I used to think they were great…and some of them are. It’s just lately I’ve realised thta some of them are evil nasty people who deserve to be violently entered by a rhioncerous. I apologise for laying my shit on you there by the way…bizzare I’m not quite sure why I did that. I’m sure there was a point to it…ah yes now I remember

maybe you too are up when your friends are down because they may actually have some kind of negative impact on your life…it’s always a possibility *HUGZ* and apologies once again.