In Defense of Bush (Cont)

Really, trust me we don’t. We want things to get better and we wish we were as wealthy and successful as worldly possible and we weep for the poor, and the stupid, and the sick, and we don’t notice that no matter what we do, we create more. Vaccinations are turning out to have harmful effects on offspring, we increase minimum wage and we drive businesses into the gutter so that even more are poor and homeless. We keep welfare around and children keep coming out into the world because the mothers want more money to spend on cigarettes. We will never be free of the stupid, the evil, the sick, the disgusting, and the leeches. We won’t. Don’t hope.

What we want is for a nice balance so that most of the hardworking folk survive and the leeches die off. Some people will never own mansions, some will rise up through charity, and others will think a mansion is a gothic rock artist. Bush is giving us this balance, and if you look at status reports, he has actually improved living conditions for most of the working class and also for minorities. Yay Bush, but no, we point out that he can’t read very well, at least not aloud.

He’s dealing with a crisis in America that has never been seen before. Pearl Harbor was mostly soldiers, these were civilians and regular Joes. This is a hard time and people getting up and yelling FUCK BUSH should be allowed, but I really think we should also point out why those people are wrong. Patriotism is not the same as nationalism. It isn’t. We keep saying we need more patriots. We don’t, we need more nationalists. We are scared of saying this because the nationalist movement is what sparked almost every war that has ever occurred, save the ones sparked by religion. Patriots are those who fight for the mass freedom and change of an oppressive society. The Revolution was where Patriots were born. We need nationalism now. We need people to stand up and say, I love this country. Give people a break. Everyday since 9/11 people have been able to extend a helping hand to someone in need, cut some poor man who doesn’t like to work or has a disease a break, that’s what we’ve been doing. Why can’t we cut the Pres. a break? Why can’t we say, Relax Bush, you work on this and we’ll support you. We’ll tell you if we think you’re wrong, but we’ll do it civilly rather than punk-rock protests. (This coming during Blink 182’s announcement that Bush should fuck himself.) Even there, punk rockers knew it was wrong.

We want the world to be safe? We have to fight for it. We want freedom to be allowed in places where there are armed tyrants, there will have to be a fight to get it. People are power hungry bastards for the most part, our president isn’t. Bush isn’t trying to be a dictator, we have to give him that, too. Bush is probably still the greatest leader in all the nations, because he isn’t trying to be like the others.

Is he ashamed of who he is? I hope not. He’s just a red-neck Joe..a guy who can’t speak so well, is a little slow on the uptake at times and has a goofy sense of humor and has had drinking and drug problems. If anyone is the embodiment of a true American president, I think he is. Looking at my college and look around yours, you’ll see just how many Bushes there are. Now aren’t I right in saying that we are angry that he’s that way? Of course I am…;)

Bush isn’t great. Yes. Bush has plenty of faults and on moral levels is probably not as morally chaste as all of you(I’m sure.) All I know is that he’s about as good as me. I’ve smoked pot, drank, had hard times articulating feelings, and even been a bit vindictive when people have offended something dear to my heart. That’s Bush, too. Don’t look for some demigod, that’s why you’re disappointed.

All I have to say is that when Bush does something wrong, I will dissent. But I’ll be nice about it. I won’t kick him and call him a retard, because that’s not how anything gets done and that isn’t what he deserves, unless you deserve it too. I’m sure most of you who read my diary already feel the same way as me, and if you don’t, you’ll entertain my thoughts. Most of the people who I wish would read this won’t, because they don’t like to read. Isn’t that ironic.

So I bid you all adieu. Praise be to Bush. And the president, too….;)

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the only problem i have with GW is that he seems to want us in war, and that he’s basically trying to invalidate my religion..i dont bash the christian religion except in pointing out discrepancies and the only chrisitians i bash are the ones that bash me…but n e how yeah..u have some good points here, i’ll give u that;)

I see your point, and I don’t have TOO much of a problem with Bush except for the war. There’s other solutions than war, and the worst part is, that if we go to war, it will be America’s fault and we will be the starters. If Iraq comes over and bombs us, then yes, we should go to war, but WE shouldn’t start it, because there’s other ways to solve problems ~*Betsy*~

i can’t believe you’re defending Bush. he’s one of the worst presidents we’ve had in a long time. even republicans who didn’t personally likeMr. Clinton or his politics, are always on the political shows admitting what a great thinker and people person he is,and how he connected with the people–not just the interns. bush has a way about him that tells me that he doesn’t know what he’s doing.

I was raised republican my whole life…so my views tend to gravitate towards that…however, lately I have been trying to be more open politically. He may not be the best public speaker but he is def. smarter than most people like to pretend. Oh well, I think she is probably 25-30 or something. If you go to school 4 years that means you are like 22, and she said she has been out for awhile..

but I don’t know. I am not the greatest at guessing games. 😛 Anyway…

sure charisma is kinda important, but so are brains, which this president doesn’t have. i would compare him to his dad, but i was so disgusted that the dad was president, that i didn’t listen to any of his speeches, so i don’t really know. with 9-11, i was forced to hear more of this president’s mundane ideas, than is healthy for a person to have to do.

yeah, we shouldn’t be discussing politics anyway.