In Defense of Bush

Greetings from home everyone. After finishing my advanced composition class, I’ve decided that essay writing isn’t so bad and I’d like to write a little something here discussing our president. I just read prisoner of my mind’s diary, and let me just say that while I understand her point of view and I don’t think she’s at all wrong, I do believe her noters are. Now for the heart of the matter:

Now everyone has bashed Bush at one time or another. Even I have bashed Bush, not that that should be any sign of just how many people have, but I’m defending the guy and I have and I don’t want people saying that I misrepresented myself or my point.

We have heard how he is a massively greedy capitalist pig who sucked Texas investors dry and cheated thousands of investors, bankers, etc. out of millions with his tricky, nasty, evil-doing tactics. Ok. Let me start by saying that we do live in a capitalist country and the definition of a capitalist is someone who is very good at getting money out of other people. (My definition yes, but I think it really fits.) Bush is a good good good capitalist. That shouldn’t be a bad thing unless you happen to be a communist. If you had the chance to do what Bush was able to do, which was cheat the rich and the greedy out of money, you would too. Don’t second guess yourself. And let me just also point out that if you do research, which I actually have since reading Amanda’s article, the people complaining about this capitalist pig are the rich ones who got screwed by him, I kinda like that he screwed them. I don’t really like the greedy rich. So often we say that Bush and Republicans defend the rich, that isn’t true. They defend themselves and would like to screw the rich out of their money far more than the poor, because the poor don’t have any money for the Republicans and Bush to gain. That’s the fact. Democrats do the same, they just are faster at pointing out that Republicans do it than Republicans are fast enough to point out that Democrats do it too.

Secondly, if he tricked all these men who have graduated from business schools and colleges and have amassed massive fortunes through the use of deceptive, sneaky, and obviously somewhat ingenious tactics, how can he be stupid? Some say it was his dad who did all the work to get Bush rich, but wait, don’t we all say that Bush Sr. was just as stupid and greedy? Yes….yes…I think we do. Yep, checking back, I’m right.

Dan Quail was VP under the original Bush, and as bad as George Bush Jr. is, he’s not as bad as Dan Quail. We just didn’t get to see what would happen if Dan Quail had any power, because he was too busy looking up words like ‘the,’ ‘senator,’ and ‘potato.’ Anyway, we have to admit that George Bush Jr. was far smarter than his father by picking Cheney and Powell to help him out. Cheney is a greedy pig, yes, just like Bush Jr., I suppose, but he’s smart. We cannot deny him that.

Others argue about the drugs, the drinking, and the other problems with Bush and his children. Who cares? Does he do it anymore? Wait…I don’t want to know..who cares? Weren’t we all outraged when we delved so deep into Clinton’s sexual history? Do we think that George’s old habits of drinking and drugs should, however, be scrutinized? I think we should hold true to our own arguments. On top of that, I think that what Clinton did was worse, because Bill and Hilary sucked it up as if that was their perk, they smirked behind our backs at doing it and getting away with it and anyone who believes that Hilary didn’t know or is some devoted wife is wrong. At least we can say that Laura Bush is respectable…you should see her record, it’s pretty glowing. Not to mention I really think that the Bush lineage is the spoiled rich boy we all hate because he’s right more than we like while Clinton is the playboy. You want to know something, we hate the rich studious guy who tries to help out and we love the playboy solely because of who sucks up to who. Enough on that.

Another thing. We argue that Bush is inarticulate. Yes, he has problems speaking and thinking clearly. We all have that problem, but of course we must hold Bush to some higher standard because as much as we all pretend and bullshit about wanting an ‘American’ president, the first alien that lands on this planet with a noggin the size of a watermelon and the ability to reform our country into a superior everything will probably win. We have elected only white Southerner males because no one is really any smarter than anyone else. And I don’t think we want some genious in the white house either, because with genious comes the idea of radical change. We don’t want that.

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