Prisoner’s Survey About this Diary

1. have you ever told a straight out lie in your diary? No..but then I could be lying.

2. do you consider yourself a note whore? Of course….

3. have you ever wondered if one of your faves is actually NOTHING like what they portray themselves to be in their diary? Actually, I know a couple aren’t, or at least don’t show that side to the public or to me. I know a couple who are exactly how they are on their diary but don’t act like it.

4. have you ever had phone sex with another FODer? I don’t know their numbers….;)

5. if everyone on FOD was single, how many diarists do you think you’d consider dating if you could? I’m willing to date any woman at least once….seriously date that are on my faves? 4 or 5 to be honest, I won’t say who though.

6. do you take the advice/input you receive in your diary seriously? Yes…even the insults….I mean, why not at least examine it and see if its worth trying to change over.

7. has your self-esteem fallen, risen or stayed the same since coming to FOD? It has risen I would say, but I’m not sure it’s because of FOD.

8. has FOD opened your eyes to the possibility of cyber-sex? No…my eyes were way open before…hahahaha.

9. are you using your diary as a personal ad? Nope…well, other than for sex.

10. do you sometimes feel as though you are in competition for another FODer’s affection or attention?

No…nobody has to read my diary I guess….though I like it when they do.

11. have you ever felt truly jealous over another FODer’s life? Umm…not really, I love my life.

12. have you ever dressed sexy or were ever nude while on FOD? Sexy? I’m always sexy…nude….I sometimes am on in boxers if I wake up or am about to go to sleep.

13. has writing on FOD caused you to consider any form of writing as a career?No…I thought of that before

14. what percentage do you feel your “openness” level is in your diary? 80%….problem is, there are a couple people who read my diary that would get hurt, though it’s opened up more I guess since most have stopped reading.

15. do you feel comfortable writing about really “tough” topics without fear of losing readers or faves? Yeah….as long as it’s an issue. When talking about my own life, it’s not so easy cuz some are a part of it.

16. have you ever felt like you have become a source of entertainment to your readers more than a writer of your own life? Yes…I hope so…that was partially my aim.

17. how many FODers do you know by their real names? Oh wow…a lot. Shandy, Tabitha, Brittany, Amanda, Angie, Greg, oldies Bekah, Jess, Keith….Joe, Marie, Susan, Ashley, Pauline, Betsy, Cassie, Chris, Mary, Dave, Dave, Gredet……there are more that I’m forgetting….Jacinda, oldy Jeremy(bleh)…umm…there are others I’m sure.

18. have you ever gotten so turned on by someone’s diary that you masturbated shortly thereafter? No…..

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*steals* =D ~*Betsy*~

You forgot me?!?! 🙁

RYN: LOL, well considering I’m 13 (It says I’m 15 because stupid FOD SAYS you have to be 13 to use it, but the youngest it will LET you be in years is 15 >.<) And you're 19….lol. But, lol, if you gave me one of your poems, I'd be wooed 😛 If ANYONE gave me a poem/song I'd be wooed…wow, I'm an easy catch, aren't I? Wow, just ignore my ramblings…. ~*Betsy*~

lol fun stuff…nice to see u stealing from me for once instead of the other way around..:)

Awww, you remembered me though it appears I have forgotten you. I promise to read more often and leave notes now that the semester is almost over…I hope you don’t think that’s an empty promise. Interesting survey..:) Hope you are well!

I really hope you counted me as one of the people you would date!!!!! If not I might just havta hurtya!!!!! :o) ~I’m hot, sexy, and damn good at cyber sex ;o) ~