Chapter XLV: The Thirteenth Watcher (Cont. XI)

“Hey…where’s that rat, Donovan?” West glanced around, noting the disappearance of the bald mercenary.

“Let him go, he was a rotten bastard anyway,” Blackheart said after a moment.

“I think that will be my first order of business,” West said with a puff.

Maximus shook his head, “Do not worry over Donovan. I’m sure he will be dealing with problems soon enough.” The Watcher looked to the night sky and stared at the stars that were slowly fading from view. “Quickly, Adelia. We must depart. Say your goodbyes.”

Adelia walked first to Thyrus, “Thank you for all your diligence, Thyrus. Never give up your creativity and your ideas. We would never have made it without you.”

Thyrus smiled, “The honor has been mine, m’lady. You go out into that world and remember what we did together. Remember that you shall always have friends to come back to. No matter how far you have fallen, we shall try to lift you up.”

Adelia stepped then to West, who drew his cigarette out and blew the smoke away from Adelia, “Sorry about, that.”

“No problem,” Adelia said smiling. “You take care, West. Try and soften up a bit sometimes.”

“No can do, I’ve got a whole world to run now,” he said with a wink. “Take care, dear. Don’t make me come after you.” The softness was there, just behind the threat, though only Adelia acknowledged it.

“And what do you have to say to me?” Samden grinned devilishly, his new-found heroism brimming all the way to his head.

“I think I’ll miss you most, Samden. Your youth, your joy, I think it is you alone who will be able to bring me back if I ever become like Baen. Don’t ever lose that light. So many times we let ourselves lose it because we think that is what holds us from maturity, but that is not the case. We just…..we just abandon our maturity by forgetting happiness.” She patted Samden on the shoulder, “Good luck to you, my hero.” Samden grinned, unable to speak.

Finally, she turned to the loving couple, a pained smile on her face.

Blackheart moved from Laura, drawing close to Adelia, “You don’t have to do this. They can’t ask this of you…it’s…”

“Unfair, yes,” Adelia said with a smile. “I’ve heard that quite a lot. But the fact is that this isn’t about me or you, this isn’t even about the whole world, this is about everything….this is about existence.” Adelia glanced back to Laura, who was smiling. Adelia turned back to Blackheart, “Go on, and you better treat her a lot better than you did me. No wise cracks.” Adelia smiled and hugged Blackheart close.

“You know I love you,” Blackheart whispered.

“I know.” She pulled away, her eyes having transformed back to their old selves.

“Your eyes….”

“For all the times I couldn’t see clearly, they went dark….but now I can see again,” Adelia said with a smile. “That is the way of all things you’ll find, but you cannot see them when you’re blind.” Adelia smiled, “Farewell to all of you, for I must depart now and set off on my journey into the shadow. It is there where I must hide and think of how best to battle the darkness that has escaped into the world. Go now….to your lives….”

With a wave, the sun rose over the sandy hills and lit the entire land and all faded from view, transported to new heavens….new places…..they had won…..

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