Chapter XLV: The Thirteenth Watcher (Cont. V)

“You witch!” Baen waved his hand and the sand condensed on her, the screams too strong to be muted this time. Baen revelled in her agony as the others cringed at the sound as it finally faded into a strangled gurgle. Baen reached down to pluck the dagger from his chest, the hilt having buried itself halfway in as well. He tried to wrench the dagger free, but it would not come. He stared down at himself, blood oozing from his pierced chest plate as well as from his gut, the blades of Vigile and Grail still buried in him. He smirked. “I shall wear these as badges of my immortality, for what little time I can flaunt such things. Now….shall you try again or shall you all let the sand tear you apart?”

Blackheart rose slowly, sword clutched tight in hand. “If we all must fall, then let me go next.”

“Wait Blackheart….” Samden began, “I’m going first. I owe this much. It is my calling. I need to prove that I am a hero.”

Blackheart glanced over at Thyrus who nodded slowly and encouragingly, “Then go, Samden. We’ll stand behind you.”

“One on one? What? No mass attacks? Too afraid I’d resort to magic?”

Samden drew his blade and brought it around in a pattern, bringing the blade to rest on the ground. It was the right of the warrior that he had performed, one that those who went into battle performed. “We may yet be victorious, Baen. We only serve to buy ourselves time by fighting you by ourselves.”

“No mass slaughters? Then let this be the way it is. I don’t know what time you think you have, but it is all gone. Come elf and take your place besides that stupid fairy and the foolish woman.”

“I shall be honored to be among their ranks.”

“Then prepare to be honored most greatly,” Baen hissed.

Samden lunged forward, his sword locking with Baen’s as the two spiralled around each other. Their faces drew near to each other as Samden locked eyes with the fearsome, blood-filled gaze of Baen’s. His eyes were rippling pools of blood and quickly, Samden could not tear himself away. He saw himself drowning in blood, fires raging through the forests and Deira being cut down by Baen’s own hand. And then, like an arrow, Deira’s screaming soul surged out at Samden. Samden yelped as he stumbled back and Baen attacked, swinging his sword rapidly and ferociously. Each time the dark blade caught Samden’s, blue sparks burst in every direction as the elf tried to avoid being slaughtered by Baen’s attack. The dark watcher quickly leapt into the air, dodging Samden’s wild swings and landing behind him.

“SAMDEN!” Thyrus brought his pike around and fired, the pike was deflected quickly by Baen’s swing and it disappeared into the closing wall of sand.

“FOOL! You shall suffer longest!”

Samden spun around, blocking Baen’s swing, “You won’t lay a hand on Thyrus! He is my friend!”

Baen leered, “Little elf care a bit too much for the old wizard? Well, then I won’t slaughter you just yet. Not until after I kill Thyrus so you can watch.” Baen lunged, his sword catching Samden’s again and again, shattering the tip of the blade and sending it sailing from Samden’s hand. Baen brought his sword around again, catching Samden in the arm and then cutting across his gut. Samden clutched at his wounds as Baen kicked him to the ground and grinned at bested opponent. “I’ve changed my mind….die now.” Samden brought his hands up as the sword came down, a sudden shattering sound of metal being heard. Samden opened his eyes to see Thyrus standing next to him, pike stopping Baen’s blow.


“I’m here for you, Samden…”

“Touching.” Baen back-handed Thyrus, sending the wizard toppling to the ground.

“Leave them alone and come fight me, Baen.” The Watcher turned to see Blackheart standing at the ready, drawing Vigile’s other blade. He tossed his own short sword to West, “If he kills me, protect the others as long as you can, Preston.”

“Yes sir,” West said, testing his new sword.

A hiss rolled through the air as Baen’s eyes settled on Blackheart, “You seek to postpone their deaths by battle? Fine. It does not matter what order I kill you, and I must admit that I want to kill you most.”

“Makes me feel all warm and toasty,” Blackheart said preparing himself, “Have at me, then, demon.”

Baen sidestepped and swung horizontally, his blade being blocked by Blackheart, who leapt over the next lowsweep from Baen’s sword. He rolled away as Baen’s sword crashed against the rocks as he chased Blackheart’s rolled up form. Eventually the rogue burst out of it and spun around, catching Baen’s downswing and kicking the Watcher in the knee, and punching Baen in the face. The dark lord stumbled away as he brought his blade around again, just missing Blackheart’s nose. Blackheart lunged in again, bringing his elbow around and catching Baen in the face, then forcing the blade from the Watcher’s hand.

“You think you can bully the world into submission? I won’t let you! These are my allies….my friends….and they shall not die saving me but I for them…”

“That you will,” Baen spat as he caught Blackheart’s elbow and brought his knee into Blackheart’s gut, tossing the groaning rogue to the ground. With a wave of his hand, his sword flew back into his grip and he brought it around again and prepared for another attack. And then he lunged, his sword swinging with arcs of purple fire trailing along behind it as it knocked the rising Blackheart’s sword from his hand and then caught Blackheart across the shoulder. Baen span around and brought his elbow into Blackheart’s face, driving it then into his gut and then spin kicking the rogue and sending him stumbling back, landing near the wall of black sand that began to whine louder as it drew near to the unconscious Blackheart’s head.

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