Chapter XLIV: The Ninth (Cont. VI)

Laura, too, felt the flicker. She smiled. After a moment, she glanced up at the others and looked directly into Blackheart’s eyes. And with that, she drew her dagger and plunged it into the wrist of Adelia, the two sailing ever closer to the lava.

“LAURA!” Blackheart raced for the edge, West and Thyrus holding him back as he stared down at the disappearing figures.

“What are you doing!? ARE YOU MAD!”

“NO! It’s up to you now Adelia….snap out of it! Fight that dark side or you and I both die and with us dies the hope of everyone, of the world outside and most of all of Blackheart because both of the women he loves will die! Fight your way free, Adelia! WAKE UP!”


Adelia felt her breath give as the shadow choked her, watching as her body fell towards the lava. “No…..”

It is too late.

We all die now for your foolish resistance has cost us.

Suffer stupid girl.

“I am not a girl! I am a Seph!” Adelia brought around her hand, a dagger appearing in it as her mind still had some sway. She drove it to the hilt and beyond into the tentacles of darkness, falling free and rolling away as they rushed towards her.

Give up!

Join Baen. He is the one that loves you most. Come join us.

“NO! I won’t give in. Baen will die….he MUST die!”

Foolish girl.

He must remain. For without him, existence is over and God is destroyed.

There must always be a thirteenth Watcher girl, one who watches over hate and evil. One who is the burden-bearer.

The one shall always exist to accept and bear this torturous load and despise all who brought on the curse. The one must remain.

Adelia rolled a few feet further, leaping aside as the tendrils crashed together. For once, the darkness was right. There had to be thirteen. She could feel the heat even in her mind as they drew towards the lava and she could hear Laura’s voice. “Looks like we die together then. So much for your purpose….”


The tendrils drew close, then stopped. Adelia stood in a center of blue light that slowly began to grow. “My purpose…….” She watched as time began to slow outside in the real world. Both Laura and Adelia were suddenly almost perfectly still, moving only a tiny centimeter at a time. “My purpose is……oh no. Is it?”


Baen felt the world slow around him, though he could move with perfect freedom still, as did the others watching.

“What’s going on, Blackheart?”

Blackheart turned towards Samden, “Adelia’s gaining ground. She’s using the powers Baen gave her to slow their descent….she’s trying to reverse time. She’s fighting back…..I think.”

Far below there came a cry as the two were once more hurled towards the lava, only to be brought back several steps up as Adelia and the darkness fought inside her. Baen drew near the edge and stared at the spectacle below. “Curse this existence and the watchers…..she’s breaking free?”

Blackheart smirked, “I told you she was stronger than you thought!”

All around them, the shadow walls continued to form solidly as Baen’s own power began to well inside him. “Then all of you will die! And though it pains me, even she shall be plucked from this world!” Baen brought his sword around and lunged at Blackheart. The two’s blades locked as they began to circle each other.

“Not this time, demon.”

“You think you can destroy me, you fool? I have more power in my right hand then you have in your entire body! I have bested you before and I shall best you now!” Baen brought his foot up, kicking Blackheart through one of the shadowed walls that was rising up. The souls crashing down around him and moaning with pain. “I tried to be good, I tried to let you get away. All I wanted was the girl….my revenge might have been stayed if I was given her to covet and love. But they cursed me by making her the one….the one who could do what no other can. And I thought that I could still erase their work and bring her around. Instead she only rose stronger against me and now there is no saving her from what must be done. To insure that all goes as planned I must kill her… revenge cannot be stopped!”

Blackheart leapt to his feet, dodging the blade as it flew around and gauged a huge hole in the wall. Baen leapt forward, striking Blackheart back again. “You die now. For with your death, rogue, she shall finally be broken and there may yet be time to save her!”

“NO!” Thyrus and the others lunged in, circling around Baen.

West smirked, “We stand together, Baen. Now and forever.”

Baen’s eyes flared, “You finally unite together. Six to stand against me. Then come. It is time we finished this once and for all. Let those two foolish witches hang in the sky forever! I shall enjoy this.”

West glanced over at Blackheart as Baen took fighting stance, “I hope you know what you’re doing, Blackheart.”

Blackheart glanced back….”It’s not me that you have to worry about….it’s Adelia….”

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